book of extended abstracts
Sebastijan Seme (Editor), Jurij Avsec (Editor), Klemen Sredenšek (Editor)


The tendency to improve energy devices, the impact of environmental factors and the development of new technologies for the exploitation of sustainable resources contribute to the fact that we have witnessed intensive energy development in the last decade. The two most important Slovenian energy pools, located in Velenje and Krško, are at the turning point of renovation, and are facing major challenges in the design and planning of modern energy devices. The current generation faces a great ethical responsibility to leave their descendants a world with as little human impact on the environment as possible. Therefore, communication between experts and researchers, discussion and exchange of different views for the future is of the utmost importance, which is exactly the purpose of the EnRe Conference.


energetika;viri energije;obnovljivi viri energije;okolje;električna energija;klimatske spremembe;energetske tehnologije;energetski management;posvetovanja;zborniki;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.25 - Other Monographs and Other Completed Works
Organization: UM FE - Faculty of Energetics
Publisher: University of Maribor, University Press
UDC: 629.97:502/504(082)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 110929923 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-602-0
Views: 225
Downloads: 43
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: 5. mednarodna konferenca EnRe-Energy & Responsibility
Secondary abstract: Težnja po izboljšanju energetskih naprav, vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov in razvoj novih tehnologij za izkoriščanje trajnostnih virov prispevajo k temu, da smo v zadnjem desetletju priča intenzivnemu razvoju energetike. Dva najpomembnejša slovenska energetska bazena, ki se nahajata v Velenju in Krškem, sta na prelomnici prenove in se soočata z velikimi izzivi pri nadgradnji in načrtovanju sodobnih energetskih naprav. Sedanja generacija se sooča z veliko etično odgovornostjo, da svojim potomcem zapusti svet s čim manjšim vplivom človeka na okolje. Zato je komunikacija med strokovnjaki in raziskovalci, razprava in izmenjava različnih pogledov na prihodnost izjemnega pomena, kar je namen konference EnRe.
Secondary keywords: Energetika;Podnebne spremembe;Zborniki (posvetovanja);
Type (COBISS): Proceedings
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (180 str.))
DOI: 10.18690/um.fe.5.2022
ID: 15584676
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