magistrsko delo
Za temo raziskave sem si izbrala izvajanje pomoči na domu v času epidemije Covida-19. Tema je relevantna za socialno delo, saj bodo rezultati pokazali, kakšne so bile posledice ukrepov, za katere se je država odločila v času prvega vala epidemije, kako so ukrepi vplivali v času drugega vala ter bodo omogočili predloge za izboljšanje izvajanja pomoči v primeru prihodnjih strogih ukrepov zaradi epidemije. Raziskovala sem naslednje teme: spremembe življenja, doživljanje uporabnikov ter soočanje s spremembami v prvem in drugem valu epidemije, spremembe pomoči na domu v prvem in drugem valu epidemije, doživljanje prvega in drugega vala epidemije s strani socialnih oskrbovalk, njihovo mnenje glede ustreznih in neustreznih ukrepov države ter posledice prvega in drugega vala epidemije. Raziskava je bila kvalitativna. Do oseb, ki so sodelovale pri raziskavi, sem prišla priložnostno. Pri raziskovanju sem zajela vzorec, ki sestavlja sedem uporabnikov ter tri socialne oskrbovalke pomoči na domu. Pogovore z uporabniki sem opravila pri sodelujočih v domačem okolju, z socialni oskrbovalkami pa v pisarni, pomagala sem si s smernicami za intervju, ki sem jih predhodno pripravila. Tako uporabniki kot socialne oskrbovalke so v času prvega vala epidemije izpostavile odpoved določenih storitev ter krajšanje storitev, ki so jih izvajale. To so uporabniki sprejeli z nezadovoljstvom, izpostavljeni so bili osamljenosti, socialne oskrbovalke pa so izpostavile, da so bile ob ponovnem izvajanju storitev vidne posledice pri uporabnikih. V drugem valu sprememb pri izvajanju pomoči na domu ni bilo, kar je bilo pozitivno sprejeto s strani uporabnikov, prevladovala so pozitivnejša počutja tako pri uporabnikih kot pri socialnih oskrbovalkah. V obeh valih se je povečala uporaba zaščitne opreme, kar je povzročalo težave ob delu ter s sporazumevanjem. V primeru prihodnjih ukrepov so uporabniki ter socialne oskrbovalke mnenja, da bi bilo potrebno zadovoljiti potrebe uporabnikov in uporabnikom prepustiti možnost odpovedi storitev, kar ne bo vplivalo na uporabnike, ki jo želijo ohraniti.
pomoč na domu;epidemija;uporabniki;socialne oskrbovalke;socialno delo;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2022 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work |
Publisher: |
[T. Kogoj] |
UDC: |
364.4:616-036.2 |
Views: |
94 |
Downloads: |
26 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Implementation of help at home during the epidemic of Covid-19 |
Secondary abstract: |
For the research topic, I chose the implementation of home help during the epidemic of Covid-19. The topic is relevant for social work, as the results will show the consequences of the measures taken by the state during the first wave of the epidemic, how the measures affected during the second wave and therefore provide a base for improving the implementation of help at home in case of future severe measures due to the epidemic. In my research I have studied the following topics: life changes, user experience and coping with the first and second waves of the epidemic, changes in help at home in the first and second waves of the epidemic, the effect on social carers during first and second waves of the epidemic, their views on appropriate and inappropriate measures taken by the state and the consequences of the first and second waves of the epidemic they noticed with users. The research was qualitative. I came to the people who took part in the research by convenience and I covered a sample consisting of seven users and three social carers. I conducted user interviews with users of help at home in their home environment, and with social workers we used the space of the office. I helped with the guidelines for the interviews that I had previously prepared. During the first wave of the epidemic, both users and social carers pointed out the cancellation of certain services and the shortening of the services that were still provided. This was accepted by users with dissatisfaction, they were exposed to loneliness, and social carers pointed out that there were visible consequences for users when services had resumed. In the second wave, there were no changes in the implementation of home help, which was positively received by users. There was more positive feelings in comparison with the first wave among both users and social carers. In both waves, the use of protective equipment increased, causing problems at work and with communication. In the case of future measures, users and social carers are of the opinion that the needs of users should be met and users should be given the option of canceling services, which will not affect the users they want to maintain their services. |
Secondary keywords: |
help at home;epidemic;users;social carers;social work; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo |
Pages: |
97 str. |
ID: |
15584947 |