(diplomsko delo)
Marija Horvat (Author), Barbara Kegl (Mentor), Metka Harih (Co-mentor)


Sprejem otroka v bolnišnico povzroči tako pri otroku kot njegovih starših nemir in strah. Vloga tujca je prva vloga, ki jo prevzame medicinska sestra v medosebnem odnosu. Tej vlogi sledi vloga medicinske sestre kot vira informacij, ko mora medicinska sestra otroku in staršem zagotoviti želene informacije in odgovoriti na vprašanja, ki so povezana s samim otrokom in njegovim zdravstvenim stanjem. Pri tem mora paziti, da staršem posreduje informacije, ki zadevajo področje zdravstvene nege. Temu sledijo vloga učitelja, ki je kombinacija vseh vlog, vloga voditelja otroka in staršev čez proces zdravstvene obravnave, vloga nadomestne osebe, ko otrok vidi v medicinski sestri osebo, ki ji lahko zaupa in mu lahko začasno nadomesti mamo, ter vloga svetovalca, ko otrok ali starši izrazijo željo po nasvetih.V diplomskem delu smo skozi aplikacijo teorije Hildegard Peplau v praksi predstavili zdravstveno nego bolnega otroka v bolnišnici in sodelovanje ter delo medicinskih sester z bolnim otrokom in njegovimi starši.Analiza raziskave je potrdila, da so bili starši vključeni v zdravstveno nego svojega otroka, ko je bil le-ta v bolnišnici, in da so bili zelo zadovoljni z zdravstveno obravnavo svojega otroka. Večina staršev, ki so pustili otroka v bolnišnici samega, je bila sicer zaskrbljena, vendar so otroka zaupali medicinskim sestram. Prav tako je glede na rezultate ankete odnos med medicinskimi sestrami, otrokom in starši zelo dober, kar vsekakor deluje pozitivno tako na otroka kot starše, otrok tudi hitreje okreva in se vrne v svoje okolje.


otroci;bolezen;starši;medosebni odnosi;medicinske sestre;komunikacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Horvat]
UDC: 616-053.2-316.472.4
COBISS: 1799332 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3558
Downloads: 631
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Children in hospital
Secondary abstract: Children’s admission to hospital causes anxiety and fear both in them and their parents. The first role that a nurse takes over is the one of a stranger, followed by the one of the source of information which the nurse has to give to parents and children together with a response to questions concerning children’s health condition. He/she should be careful in order to provide them with information about health care. Then, there is a role of the teacher, which is a combination of all roles, the role of the leader of children and parents through a process of medical treatment, the role of the surrogate where children see a nurse as a person whom they can trust and who can temporarily replace their mother, together with the role of the advisor if children and parents express a desire for advice. This paper presents nursing care of a sick child in hospital, cooperation and teamwork as the healthcare of children and parents according to Hildegard Peplau theory which emphasizes the importance of relationship in healthcare.The analysis of the research confirms the parents are included in the healthcare of their children in the hospital and that they are satisfied with their treatment. The majority of parents who leave their children alone in the hospital are very concerned but the child is entrusted to the healthcare members of nurse. Furthermore, according to the research results, the relationship between nurses, children and parents is very good which definitely has a positive effect on children and parents resulting in a faster recovery of children and returning home. Good relationship between nurses, children and parents provides the benefit and satisfaction to the child, family and nurses at a time when the child is in hospital.
Secondary keywords: childrens;illness;parents;relationship;communication;nurses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 50 f., 9 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;persons and personal characteristics in pathology;characteristics of the patient;osebe in osebnostne značilnosti v patologiji;značilnosti bolnika [pacienta];
ID: 15596