(diplomsko delo)


Droge so nevarne v vseh življenjskih obdobjih, še posebej pa v mladostništvu, ko se mladostnik osamosvaja in postanejo pomembni vrstniki. V tem obdobju mladostniki veliko eksperimentirajo in se želijo uveljavljati. Eksperimentiranje mladostnikov z različnimi snovmi morda še ni zasvojenost, vendar povečuje tveganje, da bo pozneje prišlo do nje. V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti razloge za eksperimentiranjem z drogami in osveščenost mladostnikov o drogah. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati vlogo medicinske sestre pri zdravstveno vzgojnem delu mladostnikov ter staršev. Metodologija raziskovanja. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili strukturiran vprašalnik. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 53 mladostnikov. Raziskava je potekala na Srednji zdravstveni in kozmetični šoli ter na Tehnično šolskem centru. Rezultati. Mladostniki po drogi večinoma posegajo zaradi pritiska družbe ali pa želijo ugajati sovrstnikom. Največ informacij so o drogah dobili v šoli. Rezultati so pokazali, da mladostniki veliko eksperimentirajo z drogo. Osveščenost o drogah na Srednji zdravstveni in kozmetični šoli ni večja kot na Tehnično šolskem centru. . Sklep. Obdobje mladostništva je življenjsko obdobje, ko si posameznik poskuša izboriti svoje mesto v svetu odraslih. Mladostniki so krhke in včasih lahkomiselne osebnosti, katerim je potrebno dati vedeti, da ravnanje vrstnikov in starejših ni vedno pravilno, ter mu pomagati, da se razvije v zdravo odraslo osebo.


mladostniki;droga;zdravstvena vzgoja;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Cimerman]
UDC: 613.83-053.6
COBISS: 1799588 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1703
Downloads: 205
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Awareness of drug abuse among adolescents
Secondary abstract: Drugs are dangerous in all stages of life, especially in adolescence when the teenager tries to be independently and the fellow gets important. In this stage adolescence experiment and want to assert oneself. Adolescent experimentation with different materials may not yet be addictive, but increases the risk that it occurred later. In this thesis we wanted to etermine the reasons for experimenting with drugs and the awereness about drug by adolescents. Purpose of this study is to demonstrate the role of nurses in health education of adolescents and parents. . Methodology of research. Research was based on quantitative methodology. A structured questionnaire was used for gathering data. 53 adolescents were included in the research sample. The research was conducted at the Midle nurse and kosmetic school and Technical center. Results. Adolescents for drugs mainly due to the pressure of prejudice or wish to please fellow. Most of the information about drogs they get at school. Results showed that adolescents in many experiment with drugs. Awareness of drugs at the Midle nurse and kosmetic school is not higher than on the Technical center. . Discusion and colnclusion. Adolescence is a period of life when the individual try to get his place in the world of adults. Adolescenta are sometimes fragile and frivolous personality, which is necessary to get to know, that the behaviour of teh fellow and adoults is not always right and help him to grow in a healty person.
Secondary keywords: adolescent;drog;health education;nurses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: v, 52 f., 8 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;hygiene generally;personal health and hygiene;higiena splošno;osebno zdravje in higiena;health and hygiene of the nervous system;health and ethics;zdravje in higiena živčevja;zdravje in etika;odvisnosti;
ID: 15600
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