master's thesis
Gonzalo Herranz Gómez (Author), Maja Leitgeb (Mentor), Mateja Primožič (Co-mentor), Nika Kučuk (Co-mentor)


The purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the ability of certain organisms of the kingdom Fungi to produce a series of enzymes in their active form by solid-state fermentation. In this study, two types of fungi were used, Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum. For this purpose, different growth media, cultivation times (8 and 10 days), extraction procedures (shaking and homogenization) and extraction medium (distilled water, sodium citrate buffer and sodium phosphate buffer) were used. First, for P. ostreatus mushroom, the optimization of the extraction procedure and time for isolation of enzymes in their active form (α-amylase, glucoamylase, cellulase, laccase, and protease) was studied. It was observed that the highest total protein concentration in mycelium extract was obtained by 8 min of homogenization (0.8607 mg/mL, and distilled water). Using the shaking procedure, the highest enzyme activities were achieved for α-amylase (24 h, 8.0413 U/mL, and sodium citrate buffer) and protease (3 h, 0.0040 U/mL, and sodium citrate buffer). With the homogenization process, the highest activities were achieved for the enzymes glucoamylase (10 min, 6.7113 U/mL, and sodium citrate buffer) and laccase (8 min, 12.2500 U/mL, and sodium citate buffer). For the mushroom G. lucidum, the growth medium and the extraction procedure were optimized, using the same extraction medium (sodium citrate buffer). In this case, α-amylase, glucoamylase, cellulase, laccase, protease, catalase, peroxidase, superoxidase dismutase (SOD), and lipase were studied. It was observed that the highest total protein concentration was obtained with 4 min of homogenization (0.0338 mg/mL). Furthermore, using the homogenization process, the highest activities were achieved for α-amylase (4 min, 16.3459 U/mL) and SOD (4 min, 9.2615 U/mL). With the shaking procedure, the highest activities were achieved for cellulase (3 h, 1.6332 U/mL), lipase (3 h, 16.924 U/mL), glucoamylase (3 h, 14.6737 U/mL), peroxidase (3 h, 0.0156 U/mL), protease (3 h, 0.0080 U/mL) and laccase (24 h, 20.7083 U/mL).


medicinal mushrooms;Pleurotus ostreatus;Ganoderma lucidum;total proteins;enzymes activities.;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [G. Herranz Gomez]
UDC: 604.4:577.15(043.2)
COBISS: 115283203 Link will open in a new window
Views: 63
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Proizvodnja encimov iz zdravilnih gob
Secondary abstract: Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti sposobnost določenih organizmov iz kraljestva glive, da lahko s fermentacijo v trdnem stanju proizvajajo vrsto encimov v aktivni obliki. V tej študiji sta bili uporabljeni dve vrsti gliv, Pleurotus ostreatus in Ganoderma lucidum. V ta namen so bili uporabljeni različni rastni mediji, časi gojenja (8 in 10 dni), postopki ekstrakcije (stresanje in homogenizacija) in ekstrakcijski medij (destilirana voda, natrijev citratni pufer in natrijev fosfatni pufer). Najprej smo za gobo P. ostreatus optimizirali postopek ekstrakcije in časa za izolacijo encimov v njihovi aktivni obliki (α-amilaza, glukoamilaza, celulaza, lakaza in proteaza). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je bila najvišja skupna koncentracija proteinov v ekstraktu micelija dosežena z 8-minutno homogenizacijo (0,8607 mg/mL in destilirana voda). S postopkom stresanja so bile najvišje encimske aktivnosti dosežene za α-amilazo (24 h, 8,0413 U/mL in natrijev citratni pufer) in proteazo (3 h, 0,0040 U/mL in natrijev citratni pufer). S postopkom homogenizacije so bile največje aktivnosti dosežene za encim glukoamilaza (10 min, 6,7113 U/mL in natrijev citratni pufer) in lakaza (8 min, 12,2500 U/mL in natrijev citatni pufer). Za gobo G. lucidum smo rastni medij in postopek ekstrakcije optimizirali z uporabo istega ekstrakcijskega medija (natrijev citratni pufer). V tem primeru smo preučevali α-amilazo, glukoamilazo, celulazo, lakazo, proteazo, katalazo, peroksidazo, superoksid dismutazo (SOD) in lipazo. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je bila najvišja skupna koncentracija proteinov dosežena s 4 min homogenizacije (0,0338 mg/mL). Poleg tega so bile s postopkom homogenizacije najvišje aktivnosti dosežene za α-amilazo (4 min, 16,3459 U/mL) in SOD (4 min, 9,2615 U/mL). S postopkom stresanja so bile največje aktivnosti dosežene za celulazo (3 h, 1,6332 U/mL), lipazo (3 h, 16,924 U/mL), glukoamilazo (3 h, 14,6737 U/mL), peroksidazo (3 h, 0,0156 U/mL), proteazo (3 h, 0,0080 U/mL) in lakazo (24 h, 20,7083 U/mL).
Secondary keywords: zdravilne gobe;Pleurotus ostreatus;Ganoderma lucidum;skupne beljakovine;encimske aktivnosti;magistrske naloge;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIII, 53 f.))
ID: 15705754
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