magistrsko delo
Martin Gantar (Author), Milan Bizjak (Mentor)


Magnetni materiali v sodobni industriji igrajo pomembno vlogo. Uporablja se jih na številnih področjih in so poglavitne komponente motorjev, generatorjev in transformatorjev, najdemo pa jih tudi v trdih diskih, zdravstvenih napravah itd. Prav zaradi širokega razpona uporabe pa je potrebno dosegati tolerance tako na področju magnetnih lastnosti kot na področju mehanskih lastnosti in korozijske odpornosti. Hibridni magneti (ang. bonded magnets) so magneti, ki so sestavljeni iz magnetnega prahu in polimernega veziva. Prednosti teh materialov so dobre mehanske lastnosti ter dobra korozijska odpornost. Magistrska naloga je bila izvedena v povezavi s projektom v podjetju Kolektor d.d. Namen naloge je bil izboljšanje mehanskih lastnosti že obstoječega kompozita na osnovi magnetnega prahu NdFeB in polimernega veziva polifenilen sulfid. Da na račun tega ne bi poslabšali magnetnih lastnosti, smo bili primorani obdržati masna razmerja med magnetnim prahom in polimernim vezivom. Za dosego zadanega cilja smo se odločili k vezivu PPS dodati tekoči kristalinični polimer. Po postopku ekstruzije smo izdelali dva granulata, ki sta imela enako razmerje med magnetnim prahom in polimernim vezivom, razlikovala pa sta se v deležih PPS-a in LCP-ja. Izdelana granulata smo injekcijsko brizgali v vzorce, katerim smo nato določili gostoto, magnetne lastnosti, upogibno trdnost in natezno trdnost ter na koncu dobljene rezultate primerjali z osnovnim materialom, ki ni imel dodatka LCP-ja.


magnetizem;mehanske lastnosti;magnetne lastnosti;NdFeB;polifenilen sulfid;tekoči kristalinični polimer;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [M. Gantar]
UDC: 669
COBISS: 112572163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 80
Downloads: 15
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: improvement in the mechanical properties of hybrid magnetic material Nd-Fe-B bonded with PPS polymer
Secondary abstract: Magnetic materials play an important role in modern industry. They are used in a wide range of applications and are major components of motors, generators and transformers, but are also found in hard disks, medical devices, etc. It is the wide range of applications that makes it necessary to achieve tolerances in terms of magnetic properties as well as in terms of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Hybrid magnets (bonded magnets) are magnets consisting of a magnetic powder and a polymer binder. These materials have the advantages of good mechanical properties and good corrosion resistance. The master thesis was carried out in connection with a project at Kolektor d.d. The aim of the thesis was to improve the mechanical properties of an existing composite based on NdFeB magnetic powder and a polymer binder polyphenylene sulphide. In order not to deteriorate the magnetic properties, we had to keep the mass ratios between the magnetic powder and the polymer binder. To achieve this, we decided to add a liquid crystalline polymer to the PPS binder. Two granulates were produced by extrusion, which had the same ratio of magnetic powder to polymer binder, but differed in the proportions of PPS and LCP. The two granulates were injection moulded into samples, which were then analysed for density, magnetic properties, flexural strength and tensile strength, and finally compared with a base material without LCP addition.
Secondary keywords: magnetism;mechanical properties;magnetic properties;NdFeB;polyphenylene sulphide;liquid crystalline polymer;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Oddelek za materiale in metalurgijo
Pages: XVI, 53 f.
ID: 15711375