magistrsko delo
Tim Pirc (Author), Klemen Jerina (Mentor)


Sodobno lovstvo stremi k zmanjševanju trpljenja lovljenih živali, etičnosti lova, pa tudi k varnosti lovskih psov in lovcev. V magistrskem delu smo preučili vplive načinov lova divjega prašiča in rjavega medveda na selektivnost, zanesljivost strelov in etičnost odstrela obeh vrst kot tudi na varnost lovcev in lovskih psov. Podatke o poteku lova osebkov ciljnih vrst smo pridobili s spletno anketo. Pridobili smo tudi podatke anket iz Hrvaške in Švedske, ki so služili za primerjavo alternativnih načinov lova medveda, saj je v Sloveniji dovoljen le lov s prež. Baze podatkov smo uskladili, jih združili in za analize uporabili (rjavi medved, n = 824; divji prašič, n = 561) univariatne in multivariatne statistične analize. Rezultati kažejo, da lov s prež pozitivno vpliva na etičen in selektiven odstrel, zanesljivost strelov in zato tudi na varnost lovca. Načini lova s tal so manj zanesljivi in etično manj sprejemljivi kot lov s preže. V pogonih je večji delež živali zastreljenih in pobeglih, kar pomeni večji stres in trpljenje živali in večjo verjetnost napada ranjene živali na lovca ali lovskega psa. V pogonih, kjer so prisotni psi, so živali med celotnim potekom lova izpostavljene stresu, v nasprotju z lovom s preže, kjer so živali stresu izpostavljene ob in po strelu. Vendar je po ocenah nekaterih strokovnjakov pogon en izmed najučinkovitejših načinov lova na divje prašiče. Naša raziskava posredno potrjuje, da imajo privabljalna krmišča pozitiven učinek na kakovost izvedbe odstrela rjavega medveda, saj omogočajo odstrel živali s prež.


primerjava načinov lova;etičnost lova;rjavi medved;divji prašič;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Pirc]
UDC: 630*1(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 113030403 Link will open in a new window
Views: 59
Downloads: 15
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of the quality of brown bear and wild boar hunting from hunting towers at artificial feeding sites with hunting from ground
Secondary abstract: Modern hunting aims at reducing the suffering of hunted animals, the ethicality of hunting, and the safety of hunting dogs and hunters. In present Master's thesis, we explored the effects of different methods for hunting of wild boar and brown bear on the selectivity, reliability and ethicality of culling of both species, as well as on the safety of hunters and hunting dogs. Data on the hunting outcomes of the target specimens were obtained by an online survey. We also obtained survey data from Croatia and Sweden, which were used to compare alternative methods of bear hunting, as in Slovenia only the hunting from the elevated seats is allowed. The databases were harmonised, merged and analysed (brown bear, n = 824; wild boar, n = 561) using univariate and multivariate statistical analyses. Our study demonstrates that hunting from elevated seats positively impacts ethical and selective hunting, shot reliability and, therefore, also hunter safety. Hunting methods performed from the ground are less reliable and less ethically sound. Drive hunts result in a higher proportion of animals being wounded and escaping, which means greater stress and suffering for the animal and elevated likelihood of the injured animal attacking the hunter or hound. In drive hunts with dogs, game animals are stressed throughout the hunt, unlike in hunting from elevated seat, where animals are stressed just at and after the shot. However, according to some experts, the drive hunt is one of the most effective ways of wild boar hunt. Our study indirectly confirms that baiting on feeding sites have a positive effect on the quality of brown bear hunting, as they allow hunting from nearby elevated seat.
Secondary keywords: comparison of hunting methods;ethics of hunting;brown bear;wild boar;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: VIII, 56 f., [12] f. pril.
ID: 15738837