diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Eva Tovornik (Author), Benjamin Flander (Mentor)


Pravna država je načeloma vsaka država, ki se drži svojih pravil. Pravna pravila se vzpostavijo v družbi, da se (vsaj relativno) uredijo medsebojna družbena razmerja in se omogoči dokaj urejeno in predvidljivo vedenje. Določene oblike obnašanja so tako prepovedane, druge dovoljene, nekatere celo zapovedane, kar velja za državljane, kot za državo oz. za državne institucije. Država mora biti vedno podrejena pravu oz. načelu ustavnosti in zakonitosti, torej se samoomejevati, da v odnosu do posameznika/državljana ne ravna samovoljno in v lastno koristi, temveč vedno le v interesu javnosti ter zagotavljanja/uresničevanja načela pravne države. Pojem pravne države je svoj osnovni pomen pridobil že v času filozofa Aristotela, ki je poudarjal, da je za državo najpomembnejše, da v njej vlada zakon in ne človek. Skozi različna časovna obdobja so se z družbenimi spremembami, s pomočjo različnih političnih in pravnih teorij v 19. in 20. stoletju oblikovali koncepti, ki so prispevali k današnji definiciji koncepta pravne države. V Nemčiji je bil tak koncept Rechsttaat, v Angliji rule of law, v Franciji etat de droit. Preplet sestavin teh konceptov pomeni bistvene prvine pravne države, ki so sledeče: zakoni morajo imeti bistvene lastnosti, ki zagotavljajo pravno varnost, državni in drugi družbeni akterji morajo spoštovati veljavna pravna pravila, uresničevanje načela delitve oblasti, sodna oblast je neodvisna, zakonodajna oblast je podvržena ustavnosodnem nadzoru, varovanje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, zagotavljanje demokracije itd. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljen koncept pravne države in njegove bistvene prvine. Kadar se te prvine ne spoštujejo ali celo opuščajo, stopnja zagotavljanja pravne države pade, kot posledica se zmanjša zaupanje ljudi v državne institucije in razširi se prepričanje, da je pravna država v »krizi.« Pravna država je v krizi, vendar glavni vzroki zanjo niso zgolj v nespoštovanju in neuresničevanju njenih bistvenih prvin. Kritična pravna teorija opozarja, da sta moderno pravo in z njim koncept pravne države izpostavljena postmodernizacijskim procesom, ki se kažejo predvsem kot krizni družbeni procesi in hkrati kot dejavnik »krize« prava.


država;pravna država;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: E. Tovornik]
UDC: 321.01(043.2)
COBISS: 2594026 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2444
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: A country with the rule of law is allegedly every country that obeys its own rules. Law rules are restored in the society to (at least relatively) regulate interaction in social relations and to enable regulated and expected behaviour. Some forms of behaviour are restricted, others are allowed and some even obligatory, witch holds for citizens as well as for the state or the state’s agencies. The state must be subordinate to the law or to the principle of constitutionality and legality, so it has to self-restrict in the relation between itself and the individual/citizen, not to act self-willed and in its own profit, but always and only in the interest of public and in assuring/realizing the concept of the rule of law. The idea of rule of law gained its fundamental meaning already in the time of philosopher Aristotle, who emphasized, that the most important for the state is that the law, not the man, rules in it. Through various time eras, social changes, variety of political and legal theories concepts were formed in the 19th and 20th century that helped the most to today’s definition of the concept of the rule of law. In Germany it was Rechsttaat, in England rule of law and in France etat de droit. Linkage of components of these concepts are actually the essential elements of the rule of law, which are: laws must have fundamental nature which guarantee legal safety, the state and other social actors must respect valid laws, realization of the idea of dividing the authority, judicial authority is given independence, legislative authority is under supervision of the constitution, protecting human rights, democracy etc. The first part of the thesis applies on theoretical presentation of the concept of the rule of law and its essential accessories. When these elements are not respected or are even forsaken, the level of assuring the rule of law drops, as a consequence people’s trust in state’s institutions is also reduced and a belief is spread, that the rule of law is in »crisis.« The rule of law is in crisis, however main reasons are not only in disrespecting and unfulfillment of elements of the rule of law. Critical law theory warns that modern law and with it the concept of the rule of law, are exposed to postmodern processes, which are unrolling as crisis social processes and also as »crisis« of the law.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 72 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;politics;politika;politične vede;forms of political organization;states as political powers;oblike politične organiziranosti;države kot politične sile;politični sistemi;
ID: 15776
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