diplomsko delo
Bor Pirš (Author), Peter Fajfar (Mentor), Bojan Rajaković (Co-mentor)


Diplomska naloga preučuje ravnost debele pločevine jekla AISI 304 po vročem valjanju. Delo zajema tehnološko pot izdelave debele pločevine od valjalnega stroja pa vse do skladiščenja pri sobni temperaturi. Posebej sem preučil delovanje vročega ravnalnika, njegovo delovanje in vpliv na ravnost plošč. Vsi preizkusi so potekali na industrijski ravni v vroči valjarni podjetja SIJ Acroni. V grobem pride do neravnosti po vročem valjanju zaradi dveh vzrokov. Zaradi mehanskih vplivov med vročim valjanjem in termičnih vplivov po vročem valjanju pa vse do sobne temperature v skladišču. V diplomski nalogi sem opisal tudi različne vrste napak, ki povzročajo neravnost na debeli pločevini in postopke ravnanja za vsak tip napake. Meritve smo izvajali na nerjavnim jeklu AISI 304. Cilj je preveriti ravnost jekla AISI 304 pri različnih deležih plastifikacije debele pločevine in upogiba zgornje kasete na vročem ravnalniku.


vroče valjanje;debela pločevina;ravnost;vroči ravnalnik plošč;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [B. Pirš]
UDC: 669
COBISS: 129252099 Link will open in a new window
Views: 127
Downloads: 31
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: levelling of AISI 304 steel heavy plate after hot rolling
Secondary abstract: The diploma work examines the flatness of thick AISI 304 steel sheets after hot rolling. The work covers the path of the plate from the hot rolling machine all the way to warehouse, where it reaches room temperature. I specifically studied the hot plate leveler, its operation, and its effect on a flattens of a plate. All tests were performed at the industrial level in the hot rolling department of SIJ Acroni. Roughly, unevenness occurs after hot rolling for two reasons. One is due to mechanical properties during hot rolling and thermal factors from hot rolling to warehouse, where it reaches room temperature. In my work I also described the different types of errors that cause unevenness on the thick metal sheets and the handling procedures for each type of error. Measurements were performed on AISI 304 stainless steel. The goal was to check the flatness of AISI 304 steel at different plastification fraction of thick sheet metal and deformation of the hot leveler.
Secondary keywords: hot rolling;heavy plate;flatness;hot plate leveler;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Oddelek za materiale in metalurgijo
Pages: XIII, 44 f.
ID: 15795564