diplomska naloga
Anel Sedić (Author), Gregor Omejec (Reviewer), Dejan Georgiev (Mentor)


Možganska kap je klinični sindrom, za katerega je značilen žariščni nevrološki izpad, ki se pojavi nenadoma, traja več kot 24 ur in je žilnega, netravmatskega izvora. MK delimo na IMK (pri 70 do 80 odstotkih pacientov) in možgansko krvavitev (pri 10 do 15 odstotkih pacientov). Prvi znaki in simptomi so GROM. MK pri mladih in starejših ne smemo enačiti, saj obstajajo pomembne razlike. Kot smo ugotovili iz rezultatov, so pri mladih najpogostejši dejavniki tveganja dislipidemija, kajenje in hipertenzija, medtem ko sta pri starejših hipertenzija in kajenje, vendar je pri mladih treba dodati pomembnost dednih dejavnikov tveganja. Mladi so v drugačnem socialnem in poklicnem položaju kot starejši. Diagnostični postopek je pri obojih enak. Priporočila za zdravljenje so pri obeh populacijah podobna. Za obe populaciji je priporočljivo zdravljenje v enotah za MK, saj se tako tudi zmanjšajo možnosti za pozne zdravstvene zaplete (epileptični napad, čustvene spremembe, bolečine itd.). Pri komunikaciji moramo uporabljati kratka in jasna sporočila ter biti strpni pri poslušanju. Rehabilitacija, pri kateri je potreben multidisciplinaren odnos, temelji na kinezioterapiji (koncept Bobath, PNF, Vojta) in fizikalni terapiji. V svet medicine prihajajo sodobnejše terapije (terapija s pomočjo robota, navidezna resničnost, video igranje ipd.), ki se bodo v prihodnosti vedno bolj uveljavljale. Ustrezna rehabilitacija bo pri mladih prinesla boljše rezultate, lahko traja dlje časa in je, kot smo ugotovili, hitrejša kot pri starejših. Prognoza in dolgotrajno preživetje sta prav tako pri mladih boljša.


fizioterapija;možganska kap;rehabilitacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [A. Sedić]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 115358979 Link will open in a new window
Views: 62
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of rehabilitation after stroke between younger and older patients
Secondary abstract: Stroke is a clinical syndrome characterised by focal neurological loss that occurs suddenly, lasts more than 24 hours and is of vascular, non-traumatic origin. Stroke is divided into ischaemic stroke (in 70-80% of patients) and cerebral haemorrhage (in 10-15% of patients). The first signs and symptoms are FAST. Stroke in the young and the elderly should not be equated, as there are important differences. As we have seen from the results, dyslipidaemia, smoking and hypertension are the most common risk factors in the young, while hypertension and smoking are the most common in the elderly, but the importance of hereditary risk factors must be added in the young. Young people are in a different social and professional situation from older people. The diagnostic process is the same for both. Treatment recommendations are similar in both populations. Treatment in stroke units is recommended for both populations, as it also reduces the chances of late health complications (epileptic seizures, emotional changes, pain, etc.). When communicating, we need to use short, clear messages and be tolerant when listening. Rehabilitation, which requires a multidisciplinary approach, is based on kinesiotherapy (Bobath concept, PNF, Vojta) and physical therapy. More modern therapies (robot-assisted therapy, virtual reality, video gaming, etc.) are entering the world of medicine and will become increasingly popular in the future. Proper rehabilitation will produce better results in young people, can take longer and, as we have found, is faster than in older people. Prognosis and long-term survival are also better in young people.
Secondary keywords: stroke;rehabilitation;older patients;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: 33 str.
ID: 15849239