diplomska naloga
Karmen Novak Hren (Author), Špela Smrkolj (Reviewer), Friderika Kresal (Mentor)


Sekundarni limfedem (SLE) je pogost zaplet, ki nastane po zdravljenju raka dojke. Prvi znaki so opaženi v enem ali dveh mesecih po operaciji, lahko tudi nekaj let pozneje, predvsem zaradi poškodb ali vnetij na roki. Je posledica čezmernega zastajanja beljakovinsko bogate tekočine v medceličnem prostoru, zaradi nepravilnega delovanja limfnega sistema, ki je bil poškodovan zaradi mastektomije, obsevanja, odstranjenih pazdušnih bezgavk, povišanja telesne teže, poškodbe ali infekcije. Izraža se kot kronično otekanje zgornjega uda, predela okoli lopatice, podpazdušnega dela in področja dojke. Če SLE ni diagnosticiran in zdravljen v začetni fazi, lahko napreduje v pojav številnih zapletov, ki vodijo v zmanjšanje gibljivosti in sposobnosti za opravljanje vsakodnevnih aktivnosti, posledično pa tudi v poslabšanje psihološkega statusa pacientke. Zdravljenje je multimodalno, tako konzervativno kot kirurško, vendar ima fizioterapevtska obravnava vodilno vlogo pri obravnavi pacientk s SLE. Pomembno je hitro ukrepanje s pravilnim terapevtskim pristopom. Osnovna terapija je kompleksna dekongestivna fizioterapevtska obravnava, ki vključuje manualno limfno drenažo, kompresijsko povijanje, terapevtske vaje v kompresiji ter nego in redno pregledovanje kože. Vloga fizioterapevta je, da s pomočjo fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik sledi ciljem terapije, kot so zmanjšati obstoječe otekline, fibrozno tkivo, povečati limfno cirkulacijo in vzdrževati primerno stanje kože. Pri obravnavi moramo še posebej upoštevati individualne potrebe pacientke, njene zmogljivosti in sposobnosti glede na klinični status osnovne bolezni, fizikalni in psihološki status. Prizadevati si moramo, da pacientko seznanimo o vzroku, poteku bolezni in jo podučimo o pomembnosti nege ter samopregledovanja kože, naučimo pravilne izvedbe vaj, spodbujamo k rednemu samopovijanju ali nošenju kompresijskih oblačil. Le z medsebojnim aktivnim sodelovanjem bo fizioterapevtska obravnava dolgoročno uspešna in vplivala na boljšo kakovost življenja pacientk s SLE po operaciji raka dojke.


rak na prsih;kompleksna dekongestivna terapija;limfedem;rehabilitacija;fizioterapija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [K. Novak Hren]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 116752387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 90
Downloads: 9
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Physiotherapy treatment after breast cancer surgery
Secondary abstract: Secondary lymphedema (SLE) is a common complication that occurs after breast cancer treatment. The first signs are detected in one or two months, or even a few years after the surgery, mainly due to injuries or inflammation in the arm. It is caused by excessive stagnation of protein-rich fluid in the intercellular space caused by the malfunction of the lymphatic system. The latter can be damaged due to mastectomy, radiation, removed axillary lymph nodes, weight gain, injury, or infection. It is expressed as a chronic swelling of the upper limb, shoulder blade area, axillary part, and breast area. If SLE is not diagnosed and treated in the initial phase, it can cause several complications that lead to reduced mobility and ability to perform daily activities, and consequently to the deterioration of a patient's psychological status. Its treatment is multimodal, both conservative and surgical, yet physiotherapy treatment plays a vital role in treating patients with SLE. It is important to react quickly, choosing the appropriate therapeutic approach. A basic therapy consists of a complex decongestant physiotherapy treatment that includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandage, therapeutic exercise with compression, skin care and regular skin examination. The role of a physiotherapist is to use physiotherapy methods and techniques in order to achieve therapeutic goals. These comprise reducing the existing swelling and fibrous tissue, increasing lymphatic circulation, and maintaining proper skin condition. The individual needs of the patient and her abilities according to the clinical status of the underlying disease, as well as her physical and psychological status must be taken into account. The patient must be informed about the cause and the course of the disease and educate on the importance of skin care and self-examination. She must also be taught the correct performance of exercises and encouraged to do regular self-wrapping or wear compression garments. Only with mutual active cooperation, physiotherapy treatment will be successful on the long term and aide to the better quality of life of patients with SLE after breast cancer surgery.
Secondary keywords: breast cancer;complex decongestant therapy;lymphedema;rehabilitation;physiotherapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 15849243