perspektiva treh prevodnih valov


V prispevku bo obravnavana prevodna refleksija poezije Srečka Kosovela v češčini in slovaščini v treh valovih prevajanja: leta 1940, 1974 in po letu 2004. Pričujoča raziskava recepcije Kosovelove poezije s prevajalskega vidika zadeva tako izbor pesmi in sestave posameznih zbirk kot analizo izbranih prevodov in prevajalskih pristopov prevajalcev. Ti so nakazani na podlagi analize pesmi, ki obstajajo v prevodih različnih prevajalcev. Na podlagi analize določeni prevajalski pristop oz. premike pripisujemo spremembam prevajalske tradicije v določenih obdobjih po eni strani, po drugi strani pa jih prisodimo erudiciji in osebnosti prevajalca.


slovenska književnost;slovenska poezija;slovenski pesniki;prevajanje v češčino;prevajanje v slovaščino;Kosovel;Srečko;1904-1926;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6-1.09Kosovel S.
COBISS: 85718787 Link will open in a new window
Views: 46
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This paper focuses on the way the poetry of Srečko Kosovel has been reflected in translation into the Czech and Slovak languages, marked by three waves of translation over different periods: 1940, 1974, after 2004. The reception of Kosovel's poetry, presented here from the translation point of view, concerns both the selection of poems, including the concept of individual poetry collections, and the analysis of selected translations and the translation approach of various translators. The translation approaches are shown on the basis of an analysis of poems that were translated by different translators. The translation approaches or shifts can be characterised by the transformation of the translation tradition in certain periods, as well as by the erudition and personality of the translator.
Secondary keywords: Slovene literature;Slovene poetry;Slovene poets;translation into Czech;translation into Slovak;
Pages: Str. 451-457
DOI: 10.4312/Obdobja.40.451-457
ID: 15849491
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