zbirka laboratorijskih vaj
Robert Repnik (Author), Mitja Slavinec (Author), Eva Klemenčič (Author), Samo Kralj (Reviewer), Vladimir Grubelnik (Reviewer)


Fizikalni eksperimenti 2 – zbirka laboratorijskih vaj je namenjena študentom 2. letnika študijskega programa Fizika in študijskega programa Predmetni učitelj, usmeritev Izobraževalna fizika, na Fakulteti za naravoslovje in matematiko v Mariboru. Laboratorijske vaje se izvajajo pri predmetu Fizikalni eksperimenti 2 in obravnavajo področje elektromagnetizma in termodinamike. Zbirka je razdeljena na tri poglavja. V prvem poglavju so predstavljene obvezne, v drugem delu pa izbirne laboratorijske vaje, pri katerih gre za vsebinsko ali izvedbeno nadgradnjo. Tretje poglavje je namenjeno osnovam priprave in analize grafov v različnih računalniških programih.


fizika;elektromagnetizem;termodinamika;laboratorijske vaje;fizikalni eksperimenti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.05 - Videolectures and teaching material
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
UDC: 53(075.8)(076.5)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 114172419 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-623-5
Views: 90
Downloads: 29
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Physical Experiments 2
Secondary abstract: Physical Experiments 2: a collection of laboratory exercises is intended for 2nd-year students of the Physics study program and the Subject Teacher study program, Orientation Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Maribor. Students perform laboratory exercises at the course Physical Experiments 2, which covers the field of electromagnetism and thermodynamics. This textbook has three chapters. The first chapter consists of obligatory laboratory exercises. Most of them connect different fields of physics or use new methods and techniques. The third chapter is devoted to the basics of preparation and analysis of graphs using the software.
Secondary keywords: physics;physics experiments;electromagnetism;thermodynamics;laboratory work;
Type (COBISS): Higher education exercise book
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (133 str.))
DOI: 10.18690/um.fnm.5.2022
ID: 15890982
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