magistrsko delo
Tehnologija kot znanstveni prikaz in obravnava vseh strojev, naprav, procesov,
infrastrukture ..., ki sodelujejo pri pretvorbi naravnega sveta v svet človekovih želja in
potreb, postaja ne zgolj pomemben, pač pa ključen dejavnik sodobne družbe.
Izzivi današnjega časa, kot so globalizacija, demografske spremembe, prehrambena
politika, okolje, naravni in človeški viri, zahtevajo od vsakega državljana višji nivo
uporabe, ravnanja, razumevanja in vrednotenja tehnologije. Vsak posameznik se sreča z
izzivi tehnološkega opismenjevanja že v vrtcu in nadaljuje preko osnovnošolskega ter
srednješolskega izobraževanja s profiliranjem tehnološke zmožnosti na fakultetnem
študiju in kasneje v poklicni karieri.
V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na osnovnošolsko tehniško izobraževanje (TI),
in sicer v razredih, kjer je predmet tehnika in tehnologija (TiT) kot samostojen predmet
ter s tem podaja tudi ključna znanja, zmožnosti, veščine, razvijanje odnosa za tehnološko
opismenjevanje. TiT je obvezen predmet, ki učence spremlja od 6. do 8. razreda osnovne
šole (OŠ). V učnem načrtu (UN) najdemo 4 področja; tehnična sredstva, tehnologija,
organizacija dela in ekonomika. Opišemo tudi vsa področja in vsebine, ki jih učenci
spoznajo pri izbirnih predmetih vezanih na tehnologijo.
Za kakovostno izobraževanje je pomembno poučevanje sodobnih tem, saj se je narava TI
zelo spremenila. Predvsem je pomembno, da pri pouku razvijamo tehnološko pismenost
(TP), kar ljudje potrebujejo za življenje v tehnološkem svetu. Raziskovalci ugotavljajo,
da je dojemanje narave tehnologije pogosto zakoreninjeno in se spremembe ne zgodijo
zlahka, zato raziščemo vsebine, ki bi lahko bile del sodobnega TI in preučimo naravo
Študije pogosto kažejo naivno in pomanjkljivo razumevanje tehnologije s strani učencev.
Njihovo razumevanje se dotika le naprednih predmetov, ki jih uporabljajo vsakodnevno,
ciljno gledano predvsem na informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo (IKT). Prav tako
so po dosedanjih raziskavah mnenja učencev o izobraževanju in o izbiri poklicne poti na
tehniškem področju precej slaba. Je pa razumevanje tehnologije kot tudi odnos učencev
do TiT del TP, kar je cilj TI. Izvedemo empirično raziskavo, v katero vključimo učence 6., 7., 8. in 9. razreda poljubno
izbranih slovenskih OŠ. V raziskavi preučujemo razumevanje tehnologije na 8
kategorijah in odnos učencev do TiT na 6 kategorijah. Naredimo tudi primerjavo med
razumevanjem tehnologije in odnosom učencev do TiT. Rezultati pokažejo nadpovprečno
razumevanje vseh kategorij narave tehnologije. Statistični test med spoloma ne pokaže
statistično pomembnih razlik v razumevanju tehnologije (p > 0,05), se pa razlike na skoraj
vseh kategorijah pojavijo med učenci različnih razredov (učinek je pri vseh zmeren; 0,04
≤ r < 0,16). Največje statistično pomembne razlike (p < 0,05) se pojavijo med 6. in 9.
razredom – devetošolci bolj razumejo tehnologijo kot šestošolci. Ravno obratno je pri
odnosu do TiT. Tam se med različnimi razredi statistično pomembne razlike ne pojavijo
(p > 0,05), imamo pa razlike med spoloma. Ni presenetljivo, da imamo pri nekaterih
kategorijah te razlike zelo velike (učinek je r = 0,53 pri mnenju, da je tehnika bolj
primerna za fante), saj tudi iz prejšnih raziskav dobimo rezultate, ki kažejo na boljši odnos
do TiT s strani fantov.
Analiza povezanosti med razumevanjem narave tehnologije in odnosa od TiT nam
razkrije različno močne povezave, še posebno s kategorijo zavedanje posledic TiT
(KTiT). Sklepamo, da boljše razumevanje tehnologije statistično pomembno (p < 0,05)
pripomore k zavedanju in poznavanju posledic TiT. Raziskava je razkrila in potrdila tudi
vpliv širšega okolja na razvijanje odnosa učencev do TiT, še posebno je želja po poklicni
karieri na tehniškem in inženirskem področju povezana z zanimanjem za vsebine TiT
vključno z razvijanjem zavedanja in znanja posledic TiT.
Nastalo magistrsko delo je dobro izhodišče tako za razvijalce učnih načrtov kot tudi
učitelje TiT, da v svoje delo vključijo sodobne vsebine povezane s trenutno aktualnimi
koncepti in konteksti TiT. Bodoče raziskave bi lahko zajemale primerjavo več konceptov
razumevanja tehnologije kot tudi povezavo z glavnim dosežkom TiT-TP.
Slovenija;narava tehnike in tehnologije;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2022 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[J. Krivograd Videršnik] |
UDC: |
62:373.3(043.2) |
Views: |
11 |
Downloads: |
1 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Understanding and Attitudes of Primary SchoolStudents towards Engineering and Technology |
Secondary abstract: |
Technology as a scientific representation and exploration of all machines, devices,
processes, infrastructure ..., which are a part of the transformation of the natural world
into the world of human desires and needs, is becoming not only important, but a key
factor in modern society.
The challenges of today, such as globalisation, demographic change, food policy, the
environment, natural and human resources, require a higher level of usage, treatment,
understanding, and evaluation of technology from every citizen. Each individual
encounters the challenges of technological literacy education already in kindergarten and
continues throughout primary and secondary education by profiling technological ability
in his studies and later in his professional career.
In this master's thesis the focus was on primary technical education (TE) in those grades
where the subject of engineering and technology (EaT) is independent and thus provides
key knowledge, abilities, skills, and a developing relationship for technological literacy
education. TiT is a compulsory subject that accompanies students from 6th to 8th grade
of primary school (PS). There are 4 areas in the curriculum (C); technical means,
technology, work organisation, and economy. All the areas and contents that students
learn in their elective subjects, which are related to technology, are described.
Teaching contemporary topics is important for a quality education, as the nature of TE
has changed greatly. Above all, it is important that technological literacy (TL) in the
classroom is developed, which is what is needed for living in the technological world.
Researchers find that the perception of technology’s nature is often ingrained and changes
do not happen easily, so content that could be a part of modern TE is researched and the
nature of technology examined. When it comes to technology, studies often show that students are naive and have a lack
of understanding. Their perception focuses only on advanced objects they use on a daily
basis, especially in terms of information and communications technology (ICT).
Furthermore, according to previous research, students' opinions about education and
career choices in the technical field are quite poor. However, understanding technology
as well as students' attitudes towards EaT is part of TL, which represents the goal of TE.
An empirical research is conducted, in which students from 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades
of arbitrarily selected Slovenian primary schools are included. In this research the
understanding of technology in 8 categories and the attitude of students towards EaT in 6
categories is examined. A comparison between the understanding of technology and the
attitude of students towards EaT is made. The results show an above-average
understanding of all categories of technology's nature. The statistical test between the
sexes does not show statistically significant differences in the understanding of
technology (p > 0.05), however, differences in almost all categories occur among students
of different grades (the effect is moderate in all; 0.04 ≤ r < 0.16). The largest statistically
significant differences (p < 0.05) arise between 6th and 9th grade – ninth-graders
understand technology better than sixth-graders. The exact opposite is when looking at
the attitudes towards EaT. There are no statistically significant differences between
different grades (p > 0.05), but there are differences between the sexes. It is not surprising
that in some categories we find great dissimilarities (the effect between the sexes is r =
0.53 in the opinion that engineering is more suitable for boys), as previous research also
provides results, which show that boys have a better attitude towards EaT.
The analysis of the connection between the understanding of technology's nature and the
attitude towards EaT reveals various strong connections, especially in the category of
awareness of EaT (CTiT)'s consequences. It is presumed that a better understanding of
technology statistically and significantly (p < 0.05) contributes to the awareness and
knowledge of EaT’s consequences. The research revealed and confirmed the influence of
the wider environment on the development of students' attitudes towards EaT, especially
the desire for a professional career in the technical and engineering field is related to the
interest in EaT’s content, including developing awareness and knowledge of EaT’s
consequences. The resulting master's thesis is a good starting point for both curriculum developers and
EaT teachers to incorporate contemporary content related to current EaT concepts and
contexts. Future research could include a comparison of several concepts of
understanding technology as well as a link to the main achievement of EaT-TL. |
Secondary keywords: |
Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje;Tehnika;Tehnologija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje |
Pages: |
X, 78, V str. |
ID: |
15915151 |