magistrsko delo
Neža Podvratnik (Author), Andrej Ovca (Reviewer), Mojca Jevšnik (Mentor), Alenka Petrovec-Koščak (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom, veljajo za enega največjih zdravstvenih problemov, saj ostajajo pomemben vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti po vsem svetu. Ni jih mogoče v celoti preprečiti, lahko pa se zelo omeji njihova pojavnost. Pri tem je najpomembnejše preventivno delovanje. Zaradi pogoste interakcije med zdravstvenimi delavci in pacienti se poudarja ključni pomen higiene rok. Spoštovanje dobre prakse razkuževanja in umivanja rok ostaja približno 40-odstotno, kar pa se lahko izboljša z uporabo različnih orodij spodbujanja želenega higienskega vedenja. Namen: Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti dejansko stanje skladnosti razkuževanja rok na bolnišničnem oddelku splošne bolnišnice, natančneje skladnost razkuževanja rok zaposlenih in obiskovalcev oziroma staršev otrok; uvesti orodja spodbujanja želenega higienskega vedenja ter na koncu analizirati učinkovitost omenjenih orodij po njihovi uvedbi. Metode dela: Izvedli smo odkrito opazovanje zaposlenih in obiskovalcev z udeležbo. Dejansko stanje razkuževanja rok smo ugotovili na podlagi opazovanja, brez uvedbe kakršnih koli sprememb, nato pa smo ločeno uvedli tri orodja spodbujanja, in sicer plakate s sliko in napisom, vonj po citrusih in utripajoče luči. Rezultate smo analizirali s pomočjo aplikacije SpeedyAudit Lite in med seboj primerjali učinkovitost posameznega orodja spodbujanja ter ustreznost razkuževanja rok po kategorijah oseb. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da si zaposleni in obiskovalci oziroma starši otrok ne razkužujejo rok dosledno. Vsa tri uvedena orodja spodbujanja so sicer pozitivno vplivala na zaposlene (skupno). Na srednje medicinske sestre so najbolj pozitivno vplivali plakati s sliko in napisom, medtem ko utripajoče luči nanje niso imele pomembnega vpliva. Na zdravnike so najbolj pozitivno vplivali vonj po citrusih in utripajoče luči, na čistilke in obiskovalce oziroma starše otrok pa utripajoče luči, medtem ko vonj po citrusih nanje ni imel pomembnega vpliva. Na diplomirane medicinske sestre oziroma diplomirane zdravstvenike orodja spodbujanja niso imela pomembnega vpliva. Skupno pa so na zaposlene najbolj vplivali plakati s sliko in napisom, sledile so jim utripajoče luči in vonj po citrusih. Na obiskovalce oziroma starše otrok so imele največji vpliv utripajoče luči, sledili so plakati s sliko in napisom, medtem ko vonj po citrusih ni imel pomembnega vpliva na izboljšanje razkuževanja rok. Razprava in zaključek: Orodja spodbujanja so učinkovito in cenovno dostopno orodje za izboljšanje higiene rok. Poleg orodij spodbujanja bi bilo treba nameniti več poudarka izobraževanju in usposabljanju tako zaposlenih kot tudi obiskovalcev oziroma staršev otrok. Za zaposlene so smiselna izobraževanja in usposabljanja o pravilni higieni rok ter njenem pomenu večkrat letno. Obiskovalce oziroma starše otrok pa bi se lahko o pravilnem razkuževanju rok in njegovi pomembnosti na kratko poučilo ob vstopu v zdravstveno ustanovo. Lahko bi uvedli tematske brošure in napise tako v bolniških sobah kot tudi na hodnikih oddelkov v zdravstveni ustanovi. Večji poudarek je treba nameniti izobraževanju in usposabljanju čistilk, saj je raziskava pokazala, da so si te, od vseh zaposlenih, najmanj dosledno razkuževale roke.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom;bolnišnične okužbe;razkuževanje rok;spodbujanje higienskega vedenja;orodja spodbujanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [N. Podvratnik]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 115604995 Link will open in a new window
Views: 126
Downloads: 45
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effectiveness of nudge tools to promote hand disinfection among healthcare professionals, associates and visitors in health institution
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections are considered to be one of the biggest health problems, as they remain an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. They cannot be completely prevented, but their incidence can be greatly limited. The most important thing here is preventive action. Due to the frequent interaction between healthcare professionals and patients, the crucial importance of hand hygiene is therefore emphasized. Adherence to good disinfection and hand washing practices remains around 40%, which can be improved by using a variety of nudge tools to promote desired hygienic behavior. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis is to determine the actual state of compliance with hand hygiene in the hospital ward of the general hospital, more precisely the compliance of disinfection of the hands of employees and visitors or parents of children; introduce nudge tools to promote the desired hygienic behavior and finally analyze the effectiveness of these tools after their introduction. Methods: We conducted open observation of employees and visitors with participation. The actual state of hand disinfection was determined on the basis of observation, without introducing any changes; then we separately introduced three nudge tools, posters with an inscription and a picture, the scent of citrus and flashing lights. The obtained results were analyzed with the help of the SpeedyAudit Lite application, and the effectiveness of each nudge tool and the adequacy of hand disinfection by categories of persons were compared. Results: The results showed that employees and visitors or parents of children do not disinfect their hands consistently. All three introduced nudge tools had a positive effect on employees (in total). Nurses were most positively affected by posters with pictures and inscriptions, while the flashing lights had no significant effect on them. Doctors were most positively affected by the smell of citrus and flashing lights, and cleaning staff and visitors or parents of children were most positively affected by flashing lights, while the smell of citrus had no significant effect on them. Nudge tools did not have a significant impact on graduate nurses. In total, employees were most affected by posters with pictures and inscriptions, followed by flashing lights and the smell of citrus. Visitors or parents of children were most affected by flashing lights, followed by posters with pictures and inscriptions, while the smell of citrus had no significant effect on improving hand disinfection. Discussion and conclusion: Nudge tools are an effective and affordable tool to improve hand hygiene compliance. In addition to nudge tools, more emphasis should be placed on the education and training of both employees and visitors or parents of children. Education and training on proper hand hygiene and its importance several times a year make sense for employees. Visitors or parents of children could be briefly instructed on the importance and proper disinfection of hands upon entering a medical institution. Thematic brochures and inscriptions could be introduced inside the hospital rooms and in the corridors of the wards of the medical institution. Greater emphasis should be placed on the education and training of cleaning staff, as research has shown that they, of all employees, disinfected their hands the least consistently.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;healthcare-associated infections;nosocomial infections;hand disinfection;nudging hygienic behavior;nudge tools;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: 90 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 15924486