Borja García de Soto (Author), Žiga Turk (Author), Abel Maciel (Author), Bharadwaj Mantha (Author), Alexandru Georgescu (Author), Muammer Semih Sonkor (Author)


Analogous to Industry 4.0, we have the advent of Construction 4.0, a transformative process wherein digital technology and digitalization affect every phase of the life cycle of construction projects, from the design and contracting phase to the construction, operation, maintenance, upgrade, and decommissioning ones. The progress of digitalization has been uneven, as has been the recognition of the new security environment in which the architecture, engineering, construction, and operation (AECO) industry operates. Hackers for profit, disloyal competitors, disgruntled insiders, or even state agents employing hybrid warfare all utilize cyber means to achieve goals that can disrupt processes, corrupt information, interrupt operations, and cause significant material damage or even loss of human life. Starting from recognizing the paucity of studies in this field, this paper analyzes the results from a survey on cybersecurity awareness in the AECO industry. T he analyses employed statistical methods such as t-test, Spearman’s rank correlation test, and ANOVA to test the hypotheses formulated to answer the research questions of the study. The resulting data are commented upon and placed in the context of an evolving industry confronted with the shock of the new security environment, while also moving forward on Construction 4.0 as a creator of added value, new efficiencies, and new capabilities.,


construction 4.0;cybersecurity;awareness;survey;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
UDC: 004.056.53:69
COBISS: 115323651 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0733-9364
Views: 9
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Razumevanje pomembnosti kibernetske varnosti v gradbeništvu: ugotovitve ankete
Secondary abstract: Podobno kot industriji 4.0 smo priča gradbeništvu 4.0, transformativnemu procesu, v katerem digitalna tehnologija in digitalizacija vplivata na vse faze življenjskega cikla gradbenih projektov, od faze načrtovanja in sklepanja pogodb do gradnje, obratovanja, vzdrževanja, nadgradnje in razgradnje. Napredek digitalizacije je bil neenakomeren, prav tako kot prepoznavanje novega varnostnega okolja, v katerem deluje panoga arhitekture, inženiringa, gradnje in obratovanja (AECO). Hekerji za dobiček, nelojalni konkurenti, nezadovoljni notranji sodelavci ali celo državni agenti, ki uporabljajo hibridno vojno, vsi uporabljajo kibernetska sredstva za doseganje ciljev ki lahko motijo procese, poškodujejo informacije, prekinejo delovanje in povzročijo veliko materialno škodo ali celo izgubo človeških življenj. V tem prispevku so analizirani rezultati raziskave o ozaveščenosti o kibernetski varnosti v državah članicah, ki so se zavedale pomanjkanja študij na tem področju. industriji AECO. Pri analizah so bile uporabljene statistične metode, kot so t-test, Spearmanov test korelacije rangov in ANOVA, da bi se preverile hipoteze, oblikovane za odgovor na raziskovalna vprašanja študije. Pridobljeni podatki so komentirani i n umeščeni v kontekst razvijajoče se industrije, ki se sooča s šokom novega varnostnega okolja, obenem pa napreduje na področju gradbeništva 4.0 kot ustvarjalca dodane vrednosti, nove učinkovitosti in novih zmogljivosti.
Secondary keywords: gradbeništvo 4.0;kibernetska varnost;anketa;
Pages: 20 str.
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ148
Issue: ǂiss. ǂ9
Chronology: Sep. 2022
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002344
ID: 16006748