diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Anja Koman (Author), Mateja Primožič (Mentor), Maja Leitgeb (Co-mentor)


Liposomi so v današnjem času izredno pomembni maščobni delčki predvsem v prehranski in kmetijski industriji, zaradi možne inkorporacije različnih učinkovin v njihovo notranjost, kot so (antibiotiki, vitamini, bioaktivne snovi, itd.). Liposomi te učinkovine ščitijo, s tem pa se ohrani njihova funkcija. Sposobni so vezati tako hidrofobne, kot hidrofilne spojine. Diplomsko delo prikazuje študijo enostavne priprave liposomov z uporabo bolj 'zelenega' načina, to je z uporabo topila etanol. Z ustrezno kinetiko sproščanja učinkovine, inkorporirane v liposome. bi tako lahko dosegli potencialno uporabo v različnih industrijskih panogah. Liposome smo pripravili po treh različnih metodah in s pomočjo merjenja zeta potenciala določili njihovo stabilnost. Odločili smo se za metodo formulacije liposomov, kjer smo vzorec stresali 24 h. Tem liposomom smo izmerili zeta potencial -53,6 mV in velikost delcev 181,5 nm. Po pripravi obstojnih liposomov smo v njihovo notranjost enkapsulirali aktivno učinkovino, v našem primeru galno kislino, pri različnih s koncentracijo 0,05, 0,1 in 0,5 mg/mL ter nato analizirali dobljene rezultate z določevanjem učinkovitosti enkapsulacije ter sproščanja učinkovine iz liposomov. Učinkovitost in sproščanje smo določevali s pomočjo dializne tehnike. Učinkovitost enkapsulacije smo določevali pri sobi temperaturi, medtem ko smo sproščanje učinkovine iz liposomov izvajali pri telesni temperaturi 37 °C in odvzemali vzorce pri različnih časovnih intervalih. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila najvišja učinkovitost enkapsulacije dosežena s koncentracijo galne kisline 0,1 mg/mL. Ugotovili smo, da sproščanje doseže svoj optimum pri 4h, do takrat količina sproščanja strmo narašča nato pa se ustali.


liposomi;galna kislina;enkapsulacija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Koman]
UDC: 602.628(043.2)
COBISS: 121416707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 28
Downloads: 4
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Incorporation of active substances into liposomes
Secondary abstract: Abstract Nowadays, liposomes are extremely important lipid particles, especially in the food and agricultural industry, due to the possible incorporation of various active substances in their interior, such as (antibiotics, vitamins, bioactive substances, etc.). Liposomes protect these active ingredients, thus preserving their function. They are able to bind both hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds. The thesis shows the study-friendly preparation of liposomes using a more 'green' method, that is by using the solvent ethanol. With appropriate kinetics release of the active ingredients that is embedded in liposome scan liposomes achieve potential use in various industries. Liposomes were prepared by using three different methods. Their stability was determined by measuring the zeta potential. For liposomes we decided to use formulation method where the samples were shaken for 24 h. A zeta potential for this sample is -53.6 mV and a particle size were 181.5 nm. After the preparation of persistent liposomes, we encapsulated the active ingredient inside of them, in our case that was gallic acid, at different concentrations of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 mg/mL. After the encapsulation we analyzed the obtained results by determining the efficiency of encapsulation and release of the active ingredient from the liposomes. Efficiency and release were determined by using the dialysis technique. The encapsulation efficiency was determined at room temperature, while the release of the active substances from the liposomes was performed at a body temperature of 37 °C. Samples were taken at different time intervals. The results showed that the highest encapsulation efficiency was achieved with a gallic acid concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. We saw that the release reaches its optimum at 4h, by this time the amount of release rises sharply and then it stabilizes.
Secondary keywords: liposomes;gallic acid;encapsulation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 45 f.))
ID: 16136117