diplomsko delo


Tema diplomske naloge je predstavitev razvoja orodij digitalnega marketinga na področju nepremičninskih agencij. Sprva smo se osredotočili na splošen marketing in opredelili nekaj metod, ki jih vsa podjetja najpogosteje uporabljajo za oglaševanje svoje blagovne znamke. Kar hitro smo ugotovili, da se podjetja najbolj razlikujejo po tem, da nekatera prisegajo na tradicionalen in druga na digitalen marketing. Po pregledu prednosti in slabosti obeh vrst marketinga je razvidno, da je izbira, kateri marketing bodo podjetja uporabila v njihovih rokah. Cilj podjetji je doseči čim več potencialnih kupcev in s tem vzpostaviti zaupanje do blagovne znamke in na podlagi tega se podjetja odločajo katero vrsto marketinga bodo izbrali. Ker pa se danes vedno bolj razvija digitalizacija in tehnologija, se vedno več podjetji odloča za digitalen marketing, ki jim prinaša številne prednosti. Enaka zgodba je pri nepremičninskih podjetjih, kjer prav tako vidimo mešanico digitalnega in tradicionalnega marketinga. Za lažje razumevanje poslovanja nepremičnin bomo podrobneje opredelili pojme, ki so povezani z njim in tako tudi lažje predstavili zakaj je marketing pri nepremičninah tako pomemben. Številna nepremičninska podjetja se zavedajo uporabe spletnih platform v današnjih časih, zato jih vedno več za oglaševanja tudi uporabljajo. Digitalen marketing nepremičninskim podjetjem omogoča prihranek s časom in energijo za iskanje potencialnih kupcev, spletna merjenja in sledenje uspešnosti ter veliko ustvarjalnosti. In ravno zaradi teh razlogov smo skozi diplomsko nalogo ugotovili, da je digitalen marketing ena iz med najpomembnejših oblik oglaševanja, ki podjetju prinaša pozitivne učinke v poslovanju.


digitalni marketing;orodja;nepremičninska agencija;nepremičnine;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: L. Vidovič Zrnič
UDC: 339.13:332.7
COBISS: 125824259 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of digital marketing tools in the estate agency sector
Secondary abstract: The topic of the thesis is the development of digital marketing tools in the field of real estate agencies. We started by focusing on general marketing and identified some of the methods most commonly used by all companies to promote their brand. We quickly realised that the main difference between the companies is that some of them are traditional marketers and others are digital marketers. After reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of both types of marketing, it is clear that the choice of which marketing to use is in the hands of the companies. The aim is to reach as many potential customers as possible and thus build trust in the brand, which is the basis for companies to decide which type of marketing to choose. However, as digitalisation and technology are becoming more and more advanced, more and more companies are turning to digital marketing, which brings many benefits. It is the same story for real estate companies, where we also see a mix of digital and traditional marketing. To help you understand the business of real estate, we will define the concepts involved in it in more detail, to help you understand why real estate marketing is so important. Many real estate companies are aware of the use of online platforms nowadays and more and more are using them for their advertising. Digital marketing allows real estate companies to save time and energy on prospecting, online measurement and performance tracking, and a lot of creativity. And it is for these reasons that we have found throughout the thesis that digital marketing is one of the most important forms of advertising that brings positive effects to a company's business.
Secondary keywords: Digital marketing;digital marketing tools;real estate agency;real estate marketing.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 41 str.
ID: 16177905