magistrsko delo
Alja Repnik (Author), Dalibor Miklavčič (Mentor)


Na podlagi zgodovinskih virov proučimo razvoj, različne funkcije in spreminjanje pedalnega klavirja. Nastanek je najprej opredeljen z njegovim predhodnikom: pedalni čembalo in pedalni klavikord. Prav tako je v magistrskem delu na podlagi novejših raziskav opisano dolgoletno napačno dojemanje vseh strunskih pedalnih glasbil, že od renesanse naprej, kot inštrumentov, ki so namenjeni samo in izključno vadbi organistov. Razvoj inštrumenta je predstavljen skozi različna glasbena obdobja in prostore, v katerih se je razvijal: obdobje klasicizma na Dunaju, obdobje nemške romantike, obdobje francoske romantike, 20. stoletje in današnji čas, v katerem so se pojavile moderne rekonstrukcije. V okviru obdobij so predstavljeni tudi skladatelji, ki so ustvarjali za ta inštrument, in njihove skladbe. Nekatere od slednjih so tudi analizirane. V zadnjem delu naloge so predstavljene tri moderne eklektične rekonstrukcije inštrumenta, ki so se razvile v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih: Doppio Borgato, klavir Daliborja Miklavčiča in Pinchi sistem, katerih skupni namen je bil ustvariti klavir, na katerega je mogoče izvajati repertoar iz različnih obdobij na tehnično prilagodljive načine. Glavni namen naloge je obuditi zavedanje pomembnosti tega skoraj pozabljenega inštrumenta, s poudarkom na delih prominentnih skladateljev.


magistrska dela;pedalni klavirji;odkrivanje avtentičnosti;obuditev;rekonstrukcija;analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Repnik]
UDC: 780.616.433(043.2)
COBISS: 126564867 Link will open in a new window
Views: 7
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: On the origins, compositions and the revival of the pedalier in the 21st century
Secondary abstract: Based on historical sources, the development, various functions, and the changes of the pedalier are examined. Its origin is discussed in the light of pedalier's predecessors, the pedal harpsicord and the pedal clavichord. The master's thesis, looking at recent studies, describes a long-standing misperception, since the Renaissance onwards, of all string pedal instruments as instruments used exclusively for practice by the organists. The development of the pedalier is presented through various musical periods and locations of its evolution: the Vienna Classicism, the German Romanticism, the French Romanticism, the 20th century, and the present with the emergence of modern reconstructions. Within the discussion of the periods, the composers who wrote for this instrument and their compositions, some of which are analysed, are introduced. The final part of the thesis gives an introduction to three modern eclectic reconstructions of the pedalier, which evolved in the recent decades: Doppio Borgato, Dalibor Miklavčič's piano and the Pinchi pedalpiano system. Their common goal was to create a piano that would enable the performance of a technically adaptable repertoire from various time periods. The main objective of the thesis is to awaken the awareness of the importance of this almost forgotten instrument with the emphasis on the compositions of prominent composers.
Secondary keywords: master theses;pedaliers;composers;determining authenticity;revival;reconstruction;analysis;Pedalni klavir;Glasba;Skladatelji;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za glasbo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 84 str.))
ID: 16183179