(diplomsko delo)
Aleksandra Voršič (Author), Jasmina Nerat (Mentor)


Izhodišča: Neplodnost velja za vse pogostejšo težavo današnjega časa. Velik razvoj in napredek v reproduktivni medicini nudi neplodnim parom najustreznejše zdravljenje, najpogosteje možnost zanositve z biomedicinsko pomočjo. Vendar se nekateri pari v času zdravljenja spopadajo s številnimi težavami tako na fizičnem, kot na psihološkem področju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati neplodnost in načine zdravljenja neplodnosti ter s pomočjo študije primera predstaviti pomen zdravstvene nege in vlogo medicinske sestre pri obravnavi neplodnega para. Raziskovalna metodologija: Izvedli smo študijo primera, v kateri smo obravnavali neploden par v postopku zdravljenja neplodnosti in postopku oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo. Kot instrument raziskave smo uporabili dva delno strukturirana vprašalnika. Podatke o paru smo tako pridobili s pomočjo intervjuja obeh partnerjev ter iz njune medicinske dokumentacije. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize pridobljenih podatkov smo ugotovili, da se neploden par v času zdravljenja sooča s številnimi problemi, kot so pomanjkanje znanja, strah, nevarnost za nemoč, zmedenost, težave z aplikacijo hormonske terapije, razdražljivost in slabo počutje ter izogibanje socialnim stikom. Ugotovili smo, da so najtežje obvladljivi negovalni problemi vezani predvsem na čustveno področje. Sklep: Menimo, da je v procesu zdravstvene obravnave neplodnega para izredno pomembna tudi vloga medicinske sestre, katera mora imeti veliko znanja, dobre komunikacijske spretnosti in visoko stopnjo empatije. Prepoznati mora potrebe, ki jih ima neploden par ter jima v okviru svojih kompetenc svetuje. Delovati mora zdravstveno vzgojno, motivirati in spodbujati paciente k aktivnem sodelovanju v času zdravljenja ter zdravemu načinu življenja.


reprodukcija;neplodnost;zdravljenje;oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [A. Voršič]
UDC: 618.177
COBISS: 1881764 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2281
Downloads: 482
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Medical treatment of the infertile couple
Secondary abstract: Background: Infertility is on the increasing problems of our time. Great development and progress in reproductive medicine offers to infertile couples the most appropriate treatment, most commonly the chance of conception by assisted reproduction. But, we have to know, that, some couples during treatment, face a number of problems, like physical and psychological. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe infertility, infertility treatments and present the importance of nursing and the role of nurses in the treatment of infertile couple with using case study. Research Methodology: We conducted a case study in which we deal with infertile couple undergoing infertility treatments and procedures medically assisted reproduction in their home environment. As a research instrument, we used two questionnaires. Some informations we got from interview and other by medical records of two pairs. Results: Based on the analysis of all informations, we found that the infertile couple during treatment faces many problems such as lack of knowledge, fear, danger to helplessness, confusion, problems with the application of hormonal therapy, irritability and malaise, and also becoming withdrawn. We found, that the most difficult to manage are care problems, relating particularly to the emotional area. Conclusion: We believe that it is in the process of medical treatment of infertile couple an extremely important role of the nurse, which must have a lot of knowledge, good communication skills and a high level of empathy. It is also necessarily that nurse can indentify the needs of the infertile couple, and give advices within competences. It must operate medical education, motivate and encourage patients to actively participate during treatment and a healthy lifestyle.
Secondary keywords: reproduction;infertility;treatment;fertilization asisted reproduction;a nurse;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VII, 43 f., 10 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;gynaecology;obstetrics;ginekologija;porodništvo;
ID: 16184
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