diplomsko delo
Matija Šporer (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Napredek računalniške in telekomunikacijske tehnologije ter s tem povezano povečanje obsega in dostopa do različnih znanj ter podatkov so poleg globalizacije glavni razlogi za prehod v novo informacijsko dobo. Vse večji pomen dobiva nabava v podjetju. Odgovorna je za to, da vse prispe ob pravem času v pravi količini na pravo mesto. Nabava je v podjetju zelo pomembna, saj je od nje lahko odvisna uspešnost podjetja. Če sprejmemo odločitve v zvezi z nabavo razumsko, lahko s tem v podjetju zmanjšamo stroške, kar prinaša večji dobiček. Nabava je skozi čas prešla iz papirne oblike, kjer se je vse delalo počasi in s pisanjem na papir, na elektronsko poslovanje. Elektronsko poslovanje je oblika nabave, kjer skoraj vse poteka preko svetovnega spleta hitreje bolj učinkovito in z manj stroški. Nabava poteka elektronsko in lahko tudi avtomatsko, ter z možnostjo širitve na domače in tuje trge. V diplomskem delu smo imeli interes spoznati, kako poteka elektronska nabava v enem največjih in najuspešnejših podjetij pri nas, to je Cinkarna Celje, d. d. V diplomskem delu smo najprej opredelili nabavo in njene funkcije, kasneje opisali elektronsko nabava, njene oblike in na koncu predstavili še elektronsko prodajo v izbranem podjetju.


nabava;nabavna funkcija;zaloge;elektronsko poslovanje;informacijska tehnologija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: M. Šporer
UDC: 658.7:004
COBISS: 127418371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 15
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Forms of electronic commerce in purchasing
Secondary abstract: Advances in computer and telecommunications technology and the associated increase in the volume of and access to a wide range of knowledge and data are, alongside globalisation, the main reasons for the transition to a new information age. Procurement is becoming increasingly important in the company. She is responsible for making sure everything arrives in the right place at the right time in the right quantity. Procurement is very important in a company, as it can determine the success of the company. If we make rational purchasing decisions, we can reduce costs and thus increase profits for the company. Over time, procurement has moved from a paper-based, slow and paper-based way of doing everything to an electronic way of doing business. E-commerce is a form of purchasing where almost everything is done online faster more efficiently and at less cost. Purchasing is electronic and can be automated, with the possibility of expanding to domestic and foreign markets. In our thesis we were interested to learn how electronic purchasing is done in one of the largest and most successful companies in our country, i. e. Cinkarna Celje d. d. In the thesis we first defined purchasing and its functions, later we described electronic purchasing, its forms and finally we presented electronic sales in the selected company.
Secondary keywords: e-commerce;purchasing;purchasing functions;computer technology;information age;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 43 str.
ID: 16192521
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