diplomsko delo
Ajda Imerović (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V raziskavi proučujemo avtomatizacijo poslovnih procesov v podjetjih. Začeli bomo z zgodovino poslovnih procesov, kako so se spreminjali in posodabljali z leti in kakšne so značilnosti avtomatizacije poslovnih procesov (angl. Business Process Automation; BPA). Tudi bomo povedali razliko med BPA in robotske avtomatizacije postopkov (angl. Robotic Process Automation; RPA), ter nekatere pomembne in koristne razloge za uvedbo BPA v podjetje. Na koncu bomo povedali en primer uvedbe avtomatizacije v banko. Avtomatizacija poslovnih procesov je avtomatizacija dnevnih, ponovljivih poslovnih procesov, ki se običajno izvajajo ročno. BPA lahko zajema vse od večstopenjskih potekov dela do preprostih odgovorov strankam in ponuja možnost, da hitro in učinkovito izvedemo ponavljajoča se opravila ter preidemo na brezpapirne procese. To pomeni avtomatiziranje delovnih mest, kjer se čezmerna količina surovih podatkov in dokumentacije, kot so razvoj izdelkov, prodaja, človeški viri in drugo. Kljub ogromnemu napredku in olajšavi opravljanja procesov v podjetju, obstajajo pa tudi določene omejitve pri avtomatizaciji poslovnih procesov, zaradi katerih ni možno avtomatizirati nekateri proces na želen način, vendar lahko skrajšamo čas njegove izdelave na način da delno avtomatiziramo proces.


poslovni procesi;avtomatizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: A. Imerović
UDC: 004:005.4
COBISS: 125807619 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business process automation
Secondary abstract: In the research, we study business process automation in companies. We will start with the history of business processes, how they have changed and updated over the years and what are the characteristics of BPA. We will also tell the difference between BPA (Business Process Automation) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation), and some important and useful reasons for implementing BPA in a company. Finally, we will tell one example of the introduction of automation in bank. Business process automation (BPA) is the automation of daily, repeatable business processes that are usually performed manually. BPA can cover everything from multi-step workflows to simple customer responses, offering the ability to quickly and efficiently perform repetitive tasks and move to paperless processes. This means automating jobs where there is an excessive amount of raw data and documentation, such as product development, sales, human resources and more. Despite the enormous progress and facilitation of processes in the company, there are also certain limitations in the automation of business processes, due to which it is not possible to automate some processes in the desired way, but we can reduce the time of its creation in such a way as to partially automate the process.
Secondary keywords: automation;business processes;BPA;RPA;BPM;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: VI, 33 str.
ID: 16233391
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