diplomsko delo
Nika Kunavar (Author), Marjan Jereb (Mentor)


Izraz diazo se nanaša na prisotnost dveh dušikovih atomov, pritrjenih na konec organske spojine. Diazo spojine poznamo v kemiji kot vsestranske substrate za številne kemične prevorbe, katere v diplomskem delu tudi opišem. Dve najbolj poznani sintezi diazo spojin sta diazotiranje in Arndt-Eistertova sinteza. Primer preproste diazo spojine je diazometan, ki je znan po svoji rumeni barvi ter eksplozivnosti, zato z njim ravnamo posebej previdno. V diplomi se posvečam sami sintezi in pretvorbam diazometana, ki so trenutno najbolj prepoznavne. Pomembni intermediati v organski kemiji so diazonijeve soli, predvsem aromatske diazonijeve soli. V industriji barvil je pomembna uporaba stabiliziranih diazonijevih soli v obliki kompleksov z nekaterimi solmi ali z dodatki raznih anorganskih soli oziroma v obliki diazotatov. Pretvorbe diazonijevih soli sem razdelila v dve skupini: brez odcepa in z odcepom dušikove molekule. Med tiste, kjer se dušik odcepi, spadata Sandmeyerjeva in Gattermannova reakcija. Med tiste, kjer pa se cepitev ne zgodi, pa reakcije pripajanja. Opišem tudi samo nestabilnost diazonijevih soli ter potencialne vzroke zanjo. Diazo spojino predstavim kot nukleofil, ki lahko reagira z Lewisovo kislino. Opišem tudi pretvorbo azida ter hidrazona v diazonijevo spojino ter se posvetim kataliziranim pretvorbam diazo spojin v prisotnosti železa ali zlata.


diazometan;diazonijeve soli;pretvorbe diazonijevih spojin;sinteza;katalizirane pretvorbe;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [N. Kunavar]
UDC: 54-304.4(043.2)
COBISS: 120723715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 39
Downloads: 14
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Synthesis and some conversions of diazo compounds
Secondary abstract: The term diazo refers to the presence of two nitrogen atoms attached to the final end of an organic compound. Diazo compounds are known in chemistry as versatile substrates for chemical transformations, which I also describe in my thesis. The two best known syntheses of diazo compounds are diazotization and Arndt-Eistert synthesis. An example of a simple diazo compound is diazomethane, which is known for its yellow colour and explosiveness, and should therefore be handled with special care. In my thesis I focus on the synthesis and conversions of diazomethane, which are currently the most known Diazonium salts, especially aromatic diazonium salts, are important intermediates in organic chemistry. In the dye industry, the use of stabilized diazonium salts in the form of complexes with certain salts or with the addition of various inorganic salts, or in the form of diazotates, is very important. I have divided the diazonium salt conversions into two groups: substitutions where nitrogen atoms remain in the product and substitutions where N2 eliminates. The Sandmeyer and the Gattermann reactions are among those where nitrogen eliminates. Among those where cleavage does not occur are the coupling reactions. I also describe the instability of diazonium salts and the potential causes for it. I present the diazo compound as a nucleophile that can react with the Lewis acid. I also describe the conversion of azide and hydrazone to diazonium compound and discuss the catalyzed conversions of diazo compounds in the presence of iron or gold.
Secondary keywords: diazo compounds;diazomethane;diazonium salts;conversions of diazonium compounds;synthesis;Diazospojine;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000373
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, UNI Kemija
Pages: 24 str.
ID: 16270679