diplomsko delo
David Zidar (Author), David Nedeljković (Mentor)


Prožnost elektroenergetskih omrežij se ukvarja s prilagajanjem proizvodnje ter odjema električne energije. V času prehoda na proizvodnjo električne energije z obnovljivimi viri bo področje prožnosti najverjetneje aktualno tudi pri nizkonapetostnih odjemalcih električne energije – gospodinjstvih. Določene naprave oziroma porabnike električne energije, kot so klimatske naprave, bojlerji, pralni ter pomivalni stroji, ki trenutno niso fleksibilni glede odjema električne energije, bi lahko pretvorili v fleksibilne porabnike. Prilagajali bi se na način, da bi se v primeru preobremenjenega elektroenergetskega omrežja za čas preobremenjenosti izklopili. Na ta način bi za potreben čas razbremenili elektroenergetsko omrežje. S primerom preobremenjenosti elektroenergetskega omrežja se ukvarjajo tudi v četrti Azimmo Ouaga, ki je del glavnega mesta Ouagadougou v državi Burkina Faso. Za njih smo preko projekta LEAP-RE (angl.: Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy slo.: Dolgoročno sodelovanje Evrope in Afrike na področju obnovljive energije) izdelali rešitev, ki pojave preobremenjenosti elektroenergetskega omrežja zniža do te stopnje, da avtomatski izklopi omrežja zaradi preobremenjenosti ne bi bili več potrebni. Zahteva je bila, da je morala rešitev biti ekonomsko dostopna. Med najbolj primernimi fleksibilnimi električnimi porabniki so v tistem območju bile klimatske naprave. S prevezavo napajalnega kabla na tokokrog pametne vtičnice smo dobili vpogled v električno porabo klimatske naprave in nadzor nad obratovalnim režimom naprave. Ta je bil lahko vklopljen ali izklopljen. Naprave je bilo potrebno programsko ter komunikacijsko povezati med seboj do oblačne platforme, kjer se nahajajo algoritmi za računanje proizvodnje ter porabe električne energije ter algoritmi, ki načrtujejo obratovalni režim posameznih naprav. Spoznali smo, da lahko na tak način učinkovito pripomoremo k prilagajanju proizvodnje ter odjema električne energije na nivoju gospodinjstev.


pametne vtičnice;LoRaWAN;LoRa;omrežni prehodi;internetni strežniki;prožnost;klimatske naprave;elektroenergetska omrežja;visokošolski strokovni študij;Aplikativna elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [D. Zidar]
UDC: 004.7:621.31(043.2)
COBISS: 119509763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 80
Downloads: 20
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Management of power grid flexibility using LORA wireless technology
Secondary abstract: The field of the flexibility of electricity networks, which deals with the adjustment of electricity production and consumption, will be most likely addressed during the transition to electricity production with renewable sources also for low-voltage electricity consumers – households. Certain devices or electrical consumers in households, such as air conditioners, boilers, washing machines, and dishwashers should be converted into flexible consumers, which would be able to adjust their power state to off in the event of an overloaded power grid from which they are powered. This would be an effective way to relieve the overloaded power grid for the needed time. Overloaded power grid problems often occur in the quarter Azimmo Ouaga, which is located in the capital city of Ouagadougou of the country Burkina Faso, for which we are working through the LEAP-RE project (Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy). We developed a solution that reduces the overloading states of the power grid to the level, where sudden automatic power grid shutdowns would no longer be necessary. One of the most important project requirements is an economically affordable solution. Among the most suitable flexible electrical consumers in Azimmo Ouaga were air conditioners. By rewiring and connecting the power cable to the smart socket electrical circuit, we managed to get information about the power consumption of the air conditioner and control over its operating mode - power on or power off. The devices then needed to be connected through software and communication protocols to the cloud platform, where the algorithms for calculating the production and consumption of electric energy and algorithms that plan the operating mode - power on or power off of individual devices are located. We realized that in this way we can effectively help to adjust the production and consumption of electricity at the household level.
Secondary keywords: Smart socket;LoRa communication protocol;gateway;network server;flexibility;air conditioner;power grid;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000315
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: X, 56 f.
ID: 16279654