diplomsko delo
Niko Vrhunec (Author), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor)


Selekcija delavcev je postala ena od ključnih dejavnosti vsakega podjetja, saj je posameznik v podjetju v zadnjem stoletju pridobil močno vlogo. Človekove pravice so danes bistveno drugačne, kot so bile včasih, kar je pripeljalo do tega, da vodstva današnjih organizacij bistveno več delajo na tem, da so njihovi zaposleni zadovoljni, ugotavljajo, kako med seboj sodelujejo, kaj jim ustreza in kaj ne, kako jih motivirati, kakšno vlogo jim dodeliti in podobno. Zato je pomembno, da že pri izbiri kandidata poskušamo najti čim primernejšo osebo za določeno delovno okolje. Diplomsko delo poleg splošnih informacij glede selekcijskega postopka in izbire delavca obravnava tudi zahtevnost procesa selekcioniranja v podjetjih, ki nosijo veliko odgovornost pri svoji storitvi. Poleg tega je v delu predstavljeno, zakaj je v podjetju, ki se ukvarja z vzdrževanjem letal, tako pomemben izbor ljudi za uspešno opravljanje storitve.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [N. Vrhunec]
UDC: 005.9
COBISS: 126176003 Link will open in a new window
Views: 23
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Selection process at the solinair d o.o. company
Secondary abstract: Employee selection has become one of the key activities of every company, as the individual has acquired a strong role in the company over the last century. Human rights are much different today than they used to be, which has led to the management of today's organisations working much harder to ensure that their employees are satisfied, to find out how they interact, what suits them and what does not, how to motivate them, what role to assign them and so on. It is therefore important to try to find the best possible fit for the work environment when selecting a candidate. In addition to general information on the selection process and the choice of the employee, the thesis also deals with the complexity of the selection process in companies, which have a great responsibility in their service. In addition, the thesis presents why the selection of people is so important for the successful performance of the service in an aircraft maintenance company.
Secondary keywords: Izbira zaposlenih;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VI, 40 f.
ID: 16284186