diplomsko delo


Veliko je definicij, ki opišejo arhitekturo. Ena od njih jo opredeli kot umetnost prostora. Avtor najstarejše definicije je rimski arhitekt Vitruvij, ki stoji za načelom »Firmitas - utilitas - venustas«, oziroma »trdnost - uporabnost - lepota«. Definicija še danes velja za temelj znanja o oblikovanju prostora pri večini arhitektov (Šmid, 2010). Z arhitekturo oblikujemo prostor, prostor pa nas obdaja v vsakem trenutku življenja, torej na nas vpliva že zgodaj v mladosti. Za kakovostno življenje je pomembno, da se v prostoru počutimo sproščeno in varno, ter da je prostor funkcionalen in imamo od njega določeno korist. Kaj sploh pomeni oblikovati prostor in kako doseči skladnost in ravnotežje vseh zgoraj naštetih načel? Izobraževanje o tem se prične že v osnovni šoli, vendar je velikokrat zapostavljeno ali pa učenci ne izvedo veliko. Kako učiti oblikovanje prostora pri pouku likovne umetnosti in kakšne materiale pri tem uporabiti? Odgovoru smo se skušali približati v diplomskem delu. Posvetili se bomo izdelavi maket in raziskovanju različnih nadomestnih materialov, ki ponazarjajo dejanske gradbene materiale. Posnemajo jih v vsaj eni lastnosti: v strukturi, v teksturi, v barvi ali v teži. Oblikovanje prostora z maketo bomo osmislili v učni pripravi za osnovno šolo.


oblikovanje prostora;makete;učne priprave;arhitekturno oblikovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Mohar]
UDC: 72:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 119758083 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Architectural materials in a fine arts task
Secondary abstract: There are many definitions that describe architecture. One of them defines it as the art of space. The author of the oldest definition is the Roman architect Vitruvius, who stands behind the principle »firmitas - utilitas - venustas«, that is »strength - utility – beauty«. This definition is still considered by most architects as the basis of knowledge about space design (Šmid, 2010). We design space with architecture, and space surrounds us at every moment of our lives - so it influences us from an early age. For a high quality of life, it is important that we feel relaxed and safe in a space, and that the space is functional and we can derive some benefit from it. What does it mean to design a space and how do you achieve coherence and balance between all the above principles? Teaching on this topic starts in elementary school, but is often neglected or students do not learn much in the process. How to teach space design in art classes and what materials should be used? In our thesis we tried to answer those questions. We focused on making models and exploring different alternative materials that illustrate actual building materials. Thus imitating them in at least one property: structure, texture, color, or weight. We will also present that in a lesson preparation for primary school students.
Secondary keywords: Likovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;Arhitektura;Materiali;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 45 str.
ID: 16326155
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