magistrsko delo
Tadeja Heric (Author), Simona Prosen (Mentor)


Soočanje z različnimi situacijami nas privede do doživljanja in izražanja različnih čustev, med katerimi so tudi neprijetna – med njimi tudi jeza. Šolsko okolje vključuje številne situacije, ki pri otrocih sprožajo jezo, zato smo se v magistrskem delu osredotočili na prepoznavanje, izražanje in uravnavanje jeze pri učencih z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju od prvega do petega razreda osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Prepoznavanje, izražanje in uravnavanje čustev pri otrocih z motnjo v duševnem razvoju je zaenkrat še precej neraziskano področje, zato je bil cilj naše raziskave razširiti vpogled vanj znotraj šolske situacije. Za namen raziskave smo uporabili del podatkov širše raziskave Čustva učencev v razredu (Smrtnik Vitulić in Prosen, 2016). Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo opazovanja po vnaprej pripravljeni opazovalni shemi, z naslovom Čustva učencev v razredu (Smrtnik Vitulić in Prosen, 2016). Analizirali smo vzorec 52 učencev, pri katerih se je v času opazovanja pojavila jeza. Podatke opazovanih učencev z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju (v nadaljevanju učenci z LMDR) od prvega do petega razreda osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom smo kvantitativno analizirali, saj nas je zanimalo, kako pogosto, v katerih situacijah in s kakšno intenzivnostjo učenci izražajo jezo. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, na kakšen način učenci besedno in nebesedno izražajo jezo ter kakšni so ob tem izražanju odzivi sošolcev in učiteljev. Rezultate smo primerjali tudi po spolu in starosti učencev. Za boljši uvid v prepoznavanje jeze in poznavanje strategij uravnavanja jeze, smo opravili delno strukturirane ustne intervjuje z desetimi učenci, ki so predhodno sodelovali v omenjenem opazovanju. Ugotovili smo, da učenci jezo najpogosteje izražajo v socialnih interakcijah s sošolci in z učitelji, na drugem mestu pa so situacije, v katerih so učenci čutili psihološko ali fizično stisko. Učenci jezo izražajo pogosteje nebesedno kakor besedno. Besedno so jezo najpogosteje izrazili z zapovedjo, s pritoževanjem, pripombo/komentarjem, nebesedno pa so jezo najpogosteje izrazili z mrščenjem obrvi, s pogledom, z glasnim/s strogim tonom govora in kretnjo. Ugotovili smo, da so besedni odzivi sošolcev in učiteljev na izražanje jeze pri učencih kratki, trenutni ter vsebinsko izjemno skromni. Rezultate raziskave smo primerjali tudi po spolu in starosti (med starostnima skupinama srednjega ter poznega otroštva). Med spoloma so se pokazale statistično pomembne razlike pri izražanju jeze pri situaciji kršenja pravil (učenke pogosteje kakor učenci). Med starostnima skupinama otrok se statistično pomembne razlike niso pokazale. Statistično pomembnih razlik ni bilo glede na intenzivnost izražanja jeze med spoloma, prav tako tudi ne med starostnima skupinama. Med spoloma in starostnima skupinama otrok so se pokazale statistično pomembne razlike na področju besednega izražanja jeze. Med spoloma pri kategorijah: izražanje želje, kletvice ali zmerljivke (v obeh primerih pogosteje učenke) in »brez besednega odziva« (pogosteje učenci). Med starostnima skupinama srednjega in poznega otroštva pa so pomembne razlike pri kategorijah: razlaga in vprašanje (pogosteje v poznem otroštvu), kletvice ter zmerljivke (pogosteje v srednjem otroštvu). Na področju nebesednega izražanja jeze so se statistično pomembne razlike med spoloma pokazale pri kategorijah – odmik in telesni nemir (pogosteje pri učencih) ter drža (pogosteje pri učenkah), razlike med starostnima skupinama učencev pa so se pokazale pri kategoriji rokovanja s predmeti (pogosteje v poznem otroštvu). Učenci in učenke z LMDR so v intervjujih čustvo jeze večinoma prepoznali, nekajkrat so ga zamenjali s čustvom žalosti. Kot najustreznejšo strategijo uravnavanja jeze so učenci najpogosteje izbirali reševanje problema in razmislek o nadaljnjem ravnanju. Z magistrskim delom želimo poudariti pomembnost namenjanja pozornosti čustvom v času otroštva, saj bi z zgodnjo intervencijo lahko veliko doprinesli k ustreznemu prepoznavanju, izražanju in uravnavanju jeze pri osebah z LMDR.


učenci z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju;prepoznavanje jeze;izražanje jeze;uravnavanje jeze;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Heric]
UDC: 616.896:159.922.76-056.34(043.2)
COBISS: 119881475 Link will open in a new window
Views: 0
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Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Anger in students with mild intellectual disability from first to fifth grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: Facing different situations leads us to experience and express different emotions, including unpleasant ones – among them anger. The school environment includes the situations that trigger anger in children, so in the master's thesis we will focus on the recognition, expression and regulation of anger in students with a mild intellectual disability from the first to the fifth grade of elementary school with an adapted program with a lower educational standard. Recognizing, expressing and regulating emotions in children with intellectual disabilities is still a largely unexplored area, so the goal of our research is to broaden the insight into it within the school situations. For the purpose of the research, we used a part of the data from the survey “Students' emotions in the classroom” (Smrtnik Vitulić and Prosen, 2016). We obtained the data through observation according to a pre-prepared observation scheme entitled “Students' emotions in the classroom" (Smrtnik Vitulić and Prosen, 2016). We analyzed a sample of 52 students in whom anger appeared during the observation period. We quantitatively analyzed the data of the observed students with a mild intellectual disability from the first to the fifth grade of a primary school with an adapted program with a lower educational standard, as we were interested in how often, in which situations and with what intensity the students express anger. We were also interested in how students express their anger verbally and non-verbally, and what are the reactions of their classmates and teachers when they express the anger. The results were also compared according to the gender and age of the students. For a better insight into the recognition of anger and knowledge of anger management strategies, we conducted semi-structured verbal interviews with ten students who had previously participated in the aforementioned observation. We found that students express their anger most often in social interactions with classmates and teachers, second placed are situations in which students felt psychological or physical distress. Students express anger more often non-verbally than verbally. Verbally, anger was most often expressed by command, complaint, remark/comment, when non-verbal anger was most often expressed by frowning, looking, loud/stern tone of speech and gesture. We found that the verbal responses of classmates and teachers to the expression of anger in students are short, immediate and extremely modest in content. The research results were also compared by gender and age (between the middle and late childhood age groups) of children. There were statistically significant differences between the genders in the expression of anger in situations of breaking the rules (female students more often than male students). There were no statistically significant differences between the age groups in the different situations of anger expression. There were no statistically significant differences regarding the intensity of anger expression between genders, nor between the age groups. Statistically significant differences in the verbal expression of anger were found between the genders and age groups of children. Between genders in the categories: expression of desire, swearing or insults (in both cases more often female students) and "no verbal response" (more often male students). Among the age groups of middle and late childhood, in the categories: explanation (more often in late childhood), question, curses and insults (more often in middle childhood). In the area of non-verbal expression of anger, statistically significant differences between the genders were shown in the categories - withdrawal and physical restlessness (more often in male students) and posture (more often in female students), while differences between age groups of students were shown in the category of handling objects (more often in late childhood). In the interviews, students with a mild intellectual disability mostly recognized the emotion of anger, a few times they confused it with the emotion of sadness. As the most appropriate anger management strategy, students most often chose solving the problem and thinking about further action. With this master's thesis, we want to emphasize the importance of paying attention to emotions during childhood, as early intervention could greatly contribute to the appropriate recognition, expression and regulation of anger in people with a mild intellectual disability.
Secondary keywords: Otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju;Otroci s posebnimi potrebami;Jeza;Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Pos. raz. in uč. težave
Pages: VI, 104 str.
ID: 16335648