diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu bomo raziskali, kakšne so razlike v zadovoljstvu zaposlenih med generacijami (osredotočili se bomo predvsem na generacijo X in generacijo Y, ker sta trenutno najštevilnejši na trgu dela) in njihov odziv na organizacijsko kulturo. V teoretičnemu delu bomo predstavili osnovne pojme na področju organizacijske kulture in predstavili, kako zaposleni občutijo mejo med organizacijo ter organizacijsko kulturo. Pri zadovoljstvu zaposlenih si bomo ogledali vplive različnih dejavnikov na zaposlene. Raziskali bomo tudi značilnosti vseh generacij in odnos vsake generacije do dela. Raziskovalni del sestavlja anketa, opredelitev zastavljenih vprašanj v anketi, njena analiza in komentar o rezultatih. Ta tema je bila izbrana, ker se generacije v vsakodnevnem življenju močno razlikujejo glede stila življenja. Na podlagi tega pridemo do vprašanja: Ali se na delovnem mestu in v organizacijski kulturi vidi in začuti razliko med vsemi generacijami? Zanimale nas bodo razlike v komunikaciji, motivaciji, načinu dela, razmišljanju itd. V diplomski nalogi se bomo posvetili tudi prilagoditvi generacij na novo tehnologijo in na katere težave so naletele. Rezultat ankete bo razvidna slika o razlikah med generacijami in kakšen pogled imajo na organizacijsko kulturo v podjetju. Razvidno bo tudi, kako različne generacije občutijo trajnostni razvoj tehnologije na delovnem mestu.


zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;organizacijska kultura;generacijske razlike;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [V. Korenini Resnik]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 131214083 Link will open in a new window
Views: 15
Downloads: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employee satisfaction and organizational culture in a company x
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis, we will explore the differences in employee satisfaction between different generations (our main focous will be generation X and generation Y, because they curently represent most of the work force) and their response to organisational culture. In the theoretical part we will present the basic concepts in the field of organizational culture and present how employees see the border between organization and organizational culture. We will look at employee satisfaction and the effects of different factors on the emloyees. We will also explore the characteristics of all generations and the attitude of each generation towards work. The research part consists of a survey, the definition of the questions asked, the analysis and commentary on the results. This theme was chosen because generations in everyday life differ in terms of lifestyle. Based on this, we come to the question: Is the difference between all generations seen and felt in the workplace and also in organizational culture? We will take interest in differences in communication, motivation, way of working, thinking, etc. In the diploma thesis we will also focus on the adaptation of generations to new technology and what problems they have encountered. The result of the survey will be a clear presentation of the differences between the generations and how they look at the organizational culture in the company. We will also see how different generations experience the sustainable development of technology.
Secondary keywords: Zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu;Organizacijska kultura;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VI, 55 f.
ID: 16339617