magistrsko delo
Jakob Slavič (Author), Joca Zurc (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati pogled učiteljev na otrokovo oblikovanje narodne zavesti in vlogo folklornega udejstvovanja pri razvijanju le-te. Posebno pozornost smo namenili vsebinam učnih načrtov posameznih predmetov osnovne šole, folklornemu udejstvovanju na osnovnih šolah in pojmovanju narodne zavesti s strani učiteljev. Teoretični del magistrskega dela zajema opredelitev pojma narod in narodna zavest, ki sovpada tudi s pojmovanjem kulture, s tem pa smo se dotaknili tudi folklore, oziroma ljudskega izročila. Rezultati temeljijo na kvalitativni vsebinski analizi, pri čimer smo podatke pridobili s pomočjo delno strukturiranih intervjujev z učitelji osnovnih šol, ki so bili ob tem tudi vodje folklornih skupin in krožkov. Hkrati smo opravili tudi analizo vsebine folklornih vsebin v učnih načrtih osnovne šole. Ugotavljamo, da se ljudsko izročilo pogosteje pojavlja pri osnovnošolskih predmetih: družba, spoznavanje okolja, slovenščina, tudi glasbena umetnost in zgodovina, vendar je uresničevanje vsebin omenjenih odvisno predvsem od samoiniciative učiteljev. Izsledki analize prikazujejo pomembno vlogo folklornega udejstvovanja pri spodbujanju in razvijanju otrokove narodne zavesti, kar se kaže tudi pri (vzgojno-izobraževalnih) razlikah med učenci, ki se udejstvujejo v folklornih dejavnostih, in drugimi učenci. Predlagali bi možne izboljšave v šolskih učnih načrtih in šolskem procesu na področju folklornega udejstvovanja v osnovni šoli. Posledično smo v raziskovalno nalogo zajeli možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja na folklornem področju in oblikovanje izbirnega predmeta - Folklora.


ljudsko izročilo;narodna zavest;učni načrti;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Slavič]
UDC: 37.091.214:398(043.2)
COBISS: 125208323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Folklore as a factor in the formation of national consciousness in primary school
Secondary abstract: This thesis aims to examine the teacher's view on the formation of the child's national consciousness through folklore. We have given special attention to the curriculum content, participation in the folklore activities in primary schools, and the concept of national consciousness. The theoretical part encompasses the complex definitions of nation and national consciousness, which also coincides with the concept of culture. In this way, we have also studied folklore and the connectivity of the mentioned concepts. The results of the empirical part are the basis of the qualitative content analysis, in which we have obtained data with the help of semi-structured interviews conducted among primary school teachers, who are also the leaders of folklore groups and extra-curricular classes. We have also analyzed the content of folklore activities, specifically folk tradition, in the primary school curriculum. The results of the curriculum analysis show that folk tradition more often appears in the following subjects: social studies, environmental studies, Slovene, and also music and history. Nevertheless, the implementation of the before-mentioned content in terms of folklore participation depends mainly on the self-initiative of teachers. The results show that folklore participation is an important activity that encourages and develops children's national consciousness which is also reflected in the (educational) differences between students who participate in folklore activities and others. Based on the obtained results, we proposed possible improvements in the school curriculum and the school process for folklore participation in elementary school. We have also examined a possible cross-curricular integration of folklore and the creation of an optional subject - Folklore.
Secondary keywords: folk traditions;national consciousness;curriculum;master theses;Folklora;Kulturna dediščina;Nacionalizem;Izobraževalni programi;Osnovne šole;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 70 str.))
ID: 16349527