diplomsko delo
David Verhovšek (Author), Gregor Klančar (Mentor)


Skladišča po svetu postajajo vse večja in potrebujejo vse več vozil in ljudi, da jih upravljajo, zato je na tem področju velika želja po tem, da se jih čim bolj avtomatizira, saj jih s tem naredimo učinkovitejše. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani razvija algoritem, ki simulira in planira poti večih vozil, pri čemer skrbi, da se vozila izogibajo trkom. Za planiranje poti skrbi znani algoritem A*, ki je pa nadgrajen, da upošteva in predlaga še čakanje pred vozlišči in pa umik na stranske ceste, če je to potrebno. Vendar pa bolj kot postaja nek program kompleksen in temeljit, kompleksnejša lahko postaja njegova uporaba, zato so za učinkovito uporabo nujno potrebne poenostavitve. Slabost tega programa za načrtovanje poti pa je, da je sama implementacija vsakega zemljevida zelo zamudna, saj je potrebno v kodo ročno vpisati ogromno parametrov, zaradi tega si je tak zemljevid tudi težko prestavljati in si ga je potrebno predhodno nekam načrtati. Poleg tega je pa izdelava tega zemljevida zelo specifična in se mora oseba, ki se tega loti, predhodno spoznati s pravili gradnje zemljevida. Zato sem napisal grafični vmesnik, ki to delo zelo olajša, saj lahko enostavno z miško premikamo ceste po zaslonu, jih povečujemo in obračamo s tipkami na tipkovnici ter v razna prazna polja vpisujemo parametre, ki jih potrebujemo. S tem uporabniku ni treba poznati same sestave in oblike kode, ki je potrebna za izdelavo zemljevida, saj za vse to poskrbi sam algoritem.


grafični uporabniški vmesniki;zemljevidi;Tkinter;Python;univerzitetni študij;Elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [D. Verhovšek]
UDC: 004.5:681.5(043.2)
COBISS: 120486659 Link will open in a new window
Views: 27
Downloads: 10
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the operation of the multi-vehicle path planning algorithm in the warehouse
Secondary abstract: Warehouses all around the world are becoming bigger and need more vehicles and people to manage them. Consequently we need to automate that as much as possible so the warehouses become more efficient. Faculty of electrical engineering in Ljubljana is developing an algorithm for planning the paths of multiple vehicles in a simulated warehouse. Planning the paths is taken care of by an A* algorithm, which is upgraded so it takes into account and suggests the waiting times before crossroads and retreats of the vehicles into the side roads if needed. However the more the software becomes thorough, the more complex its usage can become and to avoid that we need simplifications. The negative side of this algorithm for planning the paths is that the implementation of each map of roads for the vehicles is very time-consuming, because you need to write a lot of parameters one by one directly into the source code and because of the complexity of the maps you need to make additional sketches beforehand. Besides that, the making of this map is very specific and unintuitive so you would first need to learn how to make it. Therefore I programed a graphical user interface which makes the implementation of maps a lot easier, because you can move roads by mouse, make them larger or smaller or rotate them by pressing keys on keyboard and write in needed parameters simply by using input boxes. The user now doesn't need to know how to make the official complicated function that creates maps, because all that is done by my algorithm.
Secondary keywords: graphical user interface;map;Tkinter;Python;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000313
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XVI, 47 str.
ID: 16372744