magistrsko delo
Ana Topolovec (Author), Vlasta Hus (Mentor)


Bolj kot kdajkoli v preteklosti je pomembno, da so učenci pri pouku aktivni. Pri izkustvenem učenju so uspešnejši, pridobljeno znanje je trajnejše in neposredno povezano z življenjem. Učenje v šolski učilnici naj čim večkrat zamenja učenje v avtentičnem učnem okolju, s katerim bodo učeči ob lažjem usvajanja učne snovi krepili tudi socialne kompetence in medvrstniške odnose. V teoretičnem delu zaključnega dela smo opredelili predmet družba, iskali zakonitosti aktivnega pouka, prednosti in slabosti učenja izven učilnice, pozitivne učne rezultate, ki jih prinaša in izkustveno učenje predstavili v praktičnem delu, ko smo se z učenci 4. razredov odpravili na učni sprehod izven učilnice po sledeh Rimljanov na Ptuju. Možnosti za pripravo in izvedbo pouka, ki ga ponuja katerokoli avtentično učno okolje, so neomejene. Najsi gre za naravno ali pa za družbeno okolje, je to prostor, kjer se učenci naučijo bistveno več kot med šolskimi zidovi. Motivacija pri učenju je v primerjavi z motivacijo v šoli znatno večja, pridobljeno znanje je trajnejše in veliko bolj povezano z vsakdanjim življenjem. Izkušnje, ki jih učeči pridobijo, so neprecenljive. V magistrskem delu smo opredelili predmet družba in poiskali možnosti za medpredmetne povezave izbrane teme o rimskih ostalinah na Ptuju. Proučili smo zakonitosti izkustvenega učenja, aktivnega pouka ter učenja izven učilnice. V praktičnem delu smo izbrali vsebinski sklop Ljudje v prostoru in ljudje v času in pripravili gradivo za poučevanje kulturne dediščine v 4. razredu osnovne šole. Izbrali smo obdobje rimske zgodovine, osredotočili smo se na antične ostaline v mestu Ptuj. Pripravili smo učno uro uvodne motivacije, ki je vsebovala utrditev predznanja o Rimljanih in spoznavanje sledov Rimljanov na Ptuju. V okviru uvodne učne ure smo učence motivirali za naslednjo učno uro, ki je potekala izven učilnice – učni sprehod po sledeh rimske Petovione. Pripravili smo delovno knjižico z nalogami, ki so jo učenci izpolnjevali med učnim sprehodom po Ptuju. Učno vsebino in naloge smo oblikovali glede na učne cilje predmeta družba, jih medpredmetno povezali tudi z ostalimi učnimi predmeti, upoštevali smo taksonomske stopnje, vsebino diferencirali in individualizirali, pozorni smo bili tudi na različne učne stile učencev, zato smo naloge oblikovali tako, da smo aktivno vključili vsa čutila. Reševanje nalog smo spremljali formativno, rešitve smo preverjali sproti. Učenci so med sprehodom imeli možnost izražati svoje mnenje, postavljati vprašanja o težje razumljivih temah ali o vsebini, kjer so svoje znanje želeli nadgraditi. Ugotovili smo, da je aktivni pouk izven učilnice v avtentičnem učnem okolju zaradi bogatih izkušenj, ki jih prinaša, za učence veliko bolj zanimiv. V tovrstnem učnem procesu so, v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi načini poučevanja, aktivnejši in zato veliko bolj motivirani, pridobljeno znanje je trajnejše, bolj uporabno in povezano z vsakdanjim življenjem.


magistrska dela;4. razred;izkustveno učenje;učenje izven učilnice;kulturna dediščina;rimski Ptuj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Topolovec]
UDC: 37.091.33-027.22:3(043.2)
COBISS: 125208067 Link will open in a new window
Views: 12
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: An educational walk in the footsteps of the Romans in Ptuj as a form of experiential social science learning outside the classroom in the 4th grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: Today more than ever, it is important for pupils to be active in the classroom. They are more successful when they engage in experiential learning, and the acquired knowledge is more durable and directly related to life. Learning in the classroom should as often as possible be replaced by learning in an authentic learning environment, which will not only facilitate the acquisition of learning material, but also strengthen social competences and peer-to-peer relationships. In the theoretical part of the final thesis, we defined the social science class, searched for the legality of active lessons, examined the pros and cons of learning outside the classroom, and presented the positive learning outcomes brought by experiential learning in the practical part of the thesis, when we went on a learning walk outside the classroom with the pupils of the 4th grade, following the traces of the Romans in Ptuj. The possibilities for preparing and carrying out the lessons offered by any authentic learning environment are unlimited. Whether it is a natural or social environment, it is a place where pupils learn much more than in an enclosed area. The motivation to learn is significantly higher than that at school, and the acquired knowledge is more durable and much more related to everyday life. The experience gained by pupils is invaluable. In the master’s thesis, we defined the social science subject and looked for options for cross-curricular connections of selected topics about Roman remains in Ptuj. We studied the legislation related to experiential learning, active lessons and learning outside the classroom. In the practical part, we selected the content series People in Space and People in Time and prepared materials for teaching cultural heritage in the 4th grade of primary school. We chose the period of Roman history, focused on the ancient remains in Ptuj. We prepared a lesson of introductory motivation, which included the consolidation of pre-knowledge about the Romans and learning about the traces of the Romans in Ptuj. As part of the introductory lesson, pupils were motivated for the next lesson, which took place outside the classroom – an educational walk following the traces of the Roman Petoviona. We prepared a work book with tasks that the pupils completed during the educational walk to Ptuj. We designed the learning content and tasks according to the learning goals of the social science subject, connected them in a cross-curricular manner with other subjects, took into account taxonomic levels, differentiated the content and individualised it. We were also attentive to the different learning styles of pupils, so we designed the tasks in such a way that we actively included all senses. The resolution of the tasks was monitored formatively, and the solutions were checked as a matter of course. During the educational walk, pupils had the opportunity to express their opinions, and to ask questions about hard-to-understand topics or about the content where they wanted to upgrade their knowledge. We found that, due to the rich experience it brings, active teaching outside the classroom in an authentic learning environment is much more interesting to pupils. Compared to traditional teaching methods, they are more active in this type of learning process and therefore much more motivated; the acquired knowledge is more durable, more useful and linked to everyday life.
Secondary keywords: master theses;4th grade;experiential learning;learning outside the classroom;cultural heritage;Roman Ptuj;Pouk na prostem;Izkustveno učenje;Kulturna dediščina;Ptuj (Slovenija);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 148 str.))
ID: 16385640