diplomsko delo
Maruša Atelšek (Author), Blaž Likozar (Mentor)


Glicerol je glavni stranski produkt v biodizelski industriji. Predstavlja kar 10 % mase nastalega biodizla. To je pripeljalo do znižanja cene glicerola, zaradi njegove visoke porabe v svetovni proizvodnji. Glicerol lahko s pomočjo heterogenih katalizatorjev pretvorimo v najbolj željene produkte, kot na primer akrolein, akrilno kislino, dihidroksiaceton, hidroksiaceton, alil alcohol in druge kemikalije. Pred kratkim so tem kemikalijam dodali še glicidol. Do zdaj se je zelo malo raziskovalo na področju pridobivanja glicidola in glicerola. Enostopenjska sinteza poteka v kontinuirnem mikro reaktorju s heterogenim katalizatorjem HZSM-5 zeolitom, modificiran pa je bil s cezijevim nitratom CsNO3. V mojem diplomskem delu je bila izvedena optimizacija omenjene reakcije s spreminjanjem treh parametrov; koncentracije modificiranega cezijevega nitrata, temperature reakcije ter pretoka nosilnega plina in uplinjenega vstopnega glicerola. Glede na dobljene rezultate, bi se lahko sčasoma cena glicidola znižala, saj bi se reakcija s pomočjo teh optimizacij prenesla v industrijo.


glicerol;glicidol;mikroreaktor;zeolit;heterogeni katalizator;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [M. Atelšek]
UDC: 66.097(043.2)
COBISS: 127890947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 51
Downloads: 18
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Catalytic conversion of glycerol in a gas-phase
Secondary abstract: Glycerol is the main byproduct in a biodiesel industry. It represents about 10 wt % of the biodiesel produced which led to a decrease of glycerol commercial price due to its high abundance on the world market. Glycerol valorisation can be carried out in a gas phase over heterogeneous catalysts, like acrolein, acrylic acid, dihydroxyacetone, hydroxyacetone, allyl alcohol, and other chemicals. Recently glycidol was added to those chemicals. Until now not a lot was studies in this area of glycidol production from glycerol. This one step synthesis takes place in a packed bed micro reactor, packed with a heterogenic catalyst HZSM-5 modified with CsNO3. In my work I was doing an optimization of this reaction with studying three different parameters: mass concentration, temperature and flow rate of carrier gas and feedstock glycerol. From the results that I got, with time, this reaction could be transferred to industry with the help of these optimizations.
Secondary keywords: glycerol;glycidol;microreactor;zeolite;heterogeneous catalyst;Heterogena kataliza;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000372
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, UNI Kemijsko inženirstvo
Pages: 37 str.
ID: 16391576