diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Neja Drevljak (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor)


Policisti morajo pri upravljanju svojih nalog biti zbrani in premišljeni, saj imajo pravico, da lahko posegajo v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine posameznikov. Pri svojem delu smejo delovati le v skladu s policijskimi pooblastili, ki so določeni v raznih zakonih. V nekaterih primerih pa lahko pride do situacije, kjer policist ne reagira korektno in prekorači svoja pooblastila ali celo krši zakon. Prekoračitev policijskih pooblastil je še posebej problematično in kritizirano, če policist prekomerno uporabi silo. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali ali je prišlo do razlik pri nesorazmerni uporabi prisilnih sredstev pred in med epidemijo COVID-19. V delu smo naprej na kratko opisali bolezen COVID-19, nato pa smo še našteli razne ukrepe in omejitve, ki so bili implementirani v Sloveniji ter opisali reakcije ljudi na novo življenje. Za tem smo pisali o policijskih pooblastilih v Sloveniji in se pri tem osredotočili na prisilna sredstva, ki smo jih nato tudi opisali. Ogledali smo si še pojem policijske brutalnosti ter našteli nekaj razlogov za nesorazmerno uporabo prisilnih sredstev. V praktičnem delu smo analizirali poročila Sektorja za pritožbe zoper policijo, Varuha človekovih pravic ter Policije same. Podatke o številu pritožb zoper policijo in (ne)sorazmerno uporabljenih prisilnih sredstvih smo primerjali, saj smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je epidemija vplivala na število prekoračitev policijskih pooblastil pri uporabi prisilnih sredstev. Ugotovili smo, da je slovenska policija v času epidemije svoje naloge večinoma izvajala strokovno in zakonito. Kljub temu, se je povečalo število pritožb zoper Policijo, s tem pa tudi primeri, ki so se nanašali na nesorazmerno uporabo prisilnih sredstev.


prisilna sredstva;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [N. Drevljak]
UDC: 351.741(043.2)
COBISS: 120987139 Link will open in a new window
Views: 15
Downloads: 7
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Violation of police authorities in the use of coercive means before and during the covid-19 epidemic
Secondary abstract: While performing their duties, police officers must be focused and calculated, as they possess the right to interfere with individuals’ human rights and fundamental freedoms. When at work, they may only act by the powers which are determined by various laws. In some cases, however, there may be situations where a police officer does not react correctly and exceeds his or her authorities or even violates the law. Violation of police authorities is especially problematic and criticized if a police officer uses excessive force. In the diploma thesis, we investigated whether there were differences in the disproportionate use of coercive means before and during the COVID-19 epidemic. In the thesis, we briefly described the disease COVID-19, and then we listed various measures and restrictions that have been implemented in Slovenia and described people's reactions to the new life. After that, we wrote about the police authorities in Slovenia and focused on coercive means, which we then also described. We also looked at the concept of police brutality and listed some reasons for the disproportionate use of coercive means. In the practical part, we analysed the reports of the Sector for Complaints against the Police, the Ombudsman, and the Police itself. We compared the data on the number of complaints against the police and (dis)proportionate use of coercive means, as we wanted to determine whether the epidemic affected the number of violations of police authorities in the use of coercive means. We found that during the epidemic, the Slovenian police mostly performed their tasks professionally and legally. Despite this, the number of complaints against the Police has increased, and with it also cases related to the disproportionate use of coercive means.
Secondary keywords: Policija;Policijska pooblastila;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VIII f., 54 str.
ID: 16438856
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, diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo