diplomsko delo
Matic Rotovnik (Author), Matija Pirc (Mentor)


Pri razvoju in raziskavah sončnih celic in razvoju merilne opreme za sončne celice je pravi sončni simulator nepogrešljiv. Vendar je zelo velik in drag, zato bi nam pogosto prav prišel dodatni, cenejši, sončni simulator, ki bi bil bistveno manjši in zato priročnejši, četudi ne bi zadostil vsem zahtevam za sončne simulatorje. Izdelali smo namizni, prenosni, baterijsko napajani sončni simulator s tehnologijo svetlečih diod. Služil bo kot umetno sonce za testiranje optičnih površin manjših od 1 cm^2. želimo si, da naš sončni simulator zadosti razredu C, brez upoštevanja zahtev za spekter. Za ta razred so mejne vrednosti za nehomogenost 10 % in za časovno nestabilnost 10 %. Razvoj smo si vsebinsko razdelili na dva dela. V prvem delu rešujemo problematiko, ki je predvsem optične narave. Preizkusili smo homogenost različnih sijalk, na podlagi katerih smo kupili ročno sijalko za nadaljnjo obdelavo. V drugem delu smo za to načrtali in izdelali izboljšano krmilno elektroniko. Napravi smo izdelali novo ohišje ter jo karakterizirali. Realizirani sončni simulator zadosti razredu UCU. Predlaganih je tudi nekaj izboljšav, ki jih zaradi časovnih omejitev nismo mogli preizkusiti. Predvidevamo, da bi lahko s temi izboljšavami naslednja verzija dosegla tudi razred sončnih simulatorjev UBC.


sončni simulatorji;stikalni napajalniki;svetleče diode;tokovni vir;mikrokrmilniki;univerzitetni študij;Elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Rotovnik]
UDC: 621.38:628.9.021(043.2)
COBISS: 121093891 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 9
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Miniature LED sun simulator
Secondary abstract: Development or research of solar cells and development of measuring equipment frequently requires a solar simulator. With solar based research a proper solar simulator is inevitable, but also quite large and costly. Every so often a smaller and therefore cheaper solar simulator would be convenient, even if it would not satisfy all of the requirements of standard solar simulators. In this thesis we constructed a pocket sized, portable, battery powered solar simulator using a light emitting diode. Its purpose will be testing of photosensitive surfaces smaller than 1 cm^2. The objective is to make a simulator which will fall in the class C standards, however ignoring the spectral matching requirement. Herewith we must achieve a spectral non uniformity of less than 10 % and temporal instability of less than 10 %. The development process was divided into two parts. In the first part we tackled the optical requirement. Based on light uniformity measurements of a selection of handheld LED lights, we chose a pocket light upon which the new solar simulator will be based. In the second part of development, we designed and manufactured an improved control circuit for the selected light. Furthermore, we constructed an improved casing and classified the product. The developed solar simulator can be classified into class UCU. Finally, all possible improvements are summarized and an improved control circuit is proposed, which may be able to improve the solar simulator enough to satisfy the UBC class of solar simulators.
Secondary keywords: solar simulator;switching power supply;light emitting diode;current source;microcontroller;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000313
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XX, 47 str.
ID: 16439150
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