diplomsko delo
Anže Pintar (Author), Jaka Sodnik (Mentor)


V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih lahko zasledimo trend staranja prebivalstva ne le v slovenski ampak tudi v evropski in svetovni družbi. Posledično opažamo tudi številne izzive na vseh področjih, predvsem v avtomobilizmu, saj vožnja predstavlja pomemben del vsakdana za veliko število starejših. Za varno vožnjo in vključevanje v promet so potrebne fizične, kognitivne in senzorične sposobnosti, na katere ima lahko starost negativen vpliv in drastično zmanjša varnost vožnje ter izpostavi starejše voznike raznim prometnim nesrečam in ostalim nevšečnostim v prometu. Na trgu je tudi vse več visoko avtomatiziranih vozil z naprednimi asistenčnimi sistemi (NAS), ki pomagajo vozniku pri vožnji in s tem zmanjšajo možnost prometnih nesreč. Ti sistemi bi lahko starejšim voznikom koristili pri varni vožnji in jim omogočili mobilnost tudi s poslabšanimi sposobnostmi. Cilj te diplomske naloge je s pomočjo spletnega vprašalnika ugotoviti, kako dobro starejši vozniki poznajo asistenčne sisteme, ali jih uporabljajo pri vožnji in koliko so jim dejansko v pomoč. V prvem spletnem vprašalniku je sodelovalo 95 oseb. Spletni vprašalnik je bil zgrajen iz dveh delov. V prvem delu so bila vprašanja o tem, kolikokrat na teden se anketiranci vozijo z avtomobilom, ali se počutijo samozavestno in udobno, ali vejo kaj so avtomatizirana vozila, napredni asistenčni sistemi, jih uporabljajo in ali jim olajšajo vožnjo. V drugem delu pa je bilo izbranih deset naprednih asistenčnih sistemov, za katera so morali anketiranci odgovoriti, ali poznajo kako deluje vsak izmed izbranih asistenčnih sistemov. V drugem spletnem vprašalniku je sodelovalo 81 oseb. Vprašanja so bila o istih izbranih naprednih asistenčnih sistemih, le da so bili tu na voljo trije odgovori, med katerimi je bil en pravilen in dva napačna opisa, kako deluje vsak napredni asistenčni sistem. Rezultati so pokazali, da starejši vozniki v večji meri ne poznajo asistenčnih sistemov, ampak so jih pripravljeni uporabljati, če bi jim bili le-ti na voljo.


napredni asistenčni sistemi;NAS;vmesnik človek-stroj;starejši vozniki;avtonomna vozila;univerzitetni študij;Multimedija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Pintar]
UDC: 629.3.067-053.9(043.2)
COBISS: 121207811 Link will open in a new window
Views: 8
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂuse of advanced driving assistance systems by older drivers
Secondary abstract: In the last few decades, there’s been a notable rise in the average population age not only in Slovenian but in European and global society as well. Consequently, we’re noticing new challenges emerge in every field, but even more so in the auto industry, since the ability to drive represents an important part of the day-to-day lives of many elderly people. Their mobility is also tangentially related to their health and well-being. Certain physical, cognitive, and sensory abilities, which tend to deteriorate over time, are necessary for improved safety and easier integration into traffic - lacking in any of those areas increases the vulnerability of the elderly and makes them more accident-prone when it comes to driving. The market is becoming more and more saturated with automated vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems, which significantly decrease the likelihood of car crashes and other traffic-related accidents by helping the driver keep in control of the vehicle. These systems could be especially useful at keeping the elderly safe in traffic and increasing their mobility despite the aforementioned issue regarding their abilities, brought on by old age. This thesis aims to analyze, using an online survey, how well older drivers know these advanced assistance systems, whether they use them while driving, and to what degree they find them helpful. 95 people participated in the online survey, most of whom were members of different retiree groups and societies. To participate one had to be above the age of 56. The participants assessed their own knowledge of assistance systems, the degree to which they are familiar with them, how often (if at all) they use them, how many times per week they use their car, and how secure they feel while driving. The results indicate that, whilst the elderly (for the most part) are not very familiar with assistance systems, they would be willing to use them if they were available to them.
Secondary keywords: ADAS;older drivers;HMI;autonomous vehicles;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1001001
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: 8, 74 str.
ID: 16448505
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