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Nina Ceglar (Author), Sonja Smole Možina (Reviewer), Rajko Vidrih (Mentor)


Pri pridobivanju rastlinskih olj s stiskanjem semen nastajajo odpadni produkti, med njimi tropine. Odlaganje velikih količin odpadne biomase na manjših površinah lahko predstavlja tudi obremenitev za okolje. Tropine, ki nastajajo pri stiskanju olj ponujajo mnogo možnosti za nadaljnjo uporabo. Običajno tropine nimajo velike energijske vrednosti, vendar pa so lahko pomemben vir hranil ter sekundarnih metabolitov rastlin. So vir vlaknin, beljakovin, vitaminov, mineralov in fenolnih spojin. Ekstrakcija bioaktivnih spojin iz stranskih produktov postaja za industrijo čedalje bolj zanimiva, v ta namen so se v zadnjih letih razvile novejše, bolj učinkovite in okolju prijaznejše tehnike ekstrakcije, kot so ekstrakcija z ultrazvokom, ekstrakcija z mikrovalovi, superkritična ekstrakcija, ekstrakcija s pomočjo encimov, ekstrakcija z globokimi evtektičnimi topili, uporabljajo pa se še vedno tudi maceracija in ekstrakcija trdno tekoče. Uporaba tropin je možna v kmetijstvu za gnojenje in dodatek krmi domačim živalim, v živilski industriji za pripravo hranilno bogatejših živil ter v farmacevtski in kozmetični industriji, kjer lahko ekstrahirane bioaktivne snovi uporabimo kot pomožne ali aktivne snovi.


olje;postopki pridelave olj;tropine;ekstrakcija;bioaktivne komponente;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Ceglar]
UDC: 664.3.061:633.85:628.477.2
COBISS: 121812227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 12
Downloads: 7
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Extraction of bioactive compounds from pomace after oil pressing
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we review the extraction methods of bioactive compounds from various pomaces. Production of vegetable oils yields several by-products including pomaces. Disposal of large amounts of waste biomass on smaller area might represent a burden for the environment. Pomaces produced by pressing offer many possibilities for further use. Pomaces are relatively low in fat, but still contain various nutrients and secondary metabolites. They are good source of dietary fibres, proteins, vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds. Extraction of bioactive compounds from waste products is becoming increasingly more popular in industry, for this reason new, greener and more effective extraction techniques have been developed, such as ultrasound assisted extraction, microwave assisted extraction, supercritical extraction, enzyme assisted extraction, extraction techniques with deep eutectic solvents. Extraction techniques such as maceration and solid-liquid extraction are also still in use. They can be used in agriculture as fertilizer and additives to feed for livestock. In food industry extracts of pomaces are used for preparation of nutritionally fortified foods. In pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, the extracted bioactive compounds can be used as auxiliary or active substances.
Secondary keywords: oil;oil processing technologies;pomace;extraction;bioactive compounds;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VII, 27 str.))
ID: 16469461