diplomsko delo
Vanesa Hochkraut (Author), Črtomir Frelih (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pot od slikarskega dela do uspešnega grafičnega odtisa v tehniki vernis-mou. Tehniko tudi predstavim in prikažem njene razsežnosti. S seznanitvijo in razlago likovnih pojmov v teoretičnem delu, se lažje razume likovna interpretacija ustvarjenega grafičnega odtisa. Z obsežno likovno interpretacijo, ki vključuje fotološko, morfološko raven likovnega jezika, sintakso likovnega prostora, sintakso likovne kompozicije in semantično raven, se poglobi izkušnja umetnine, tako na intelektualni ravni, kot tudi na ravni doživetja. Od diplomskega dela si obetam celovito in poglobljeno interpretacijo vsega vloženega dela in časa ter razkritje morebitnih nezavednih posegov podzavesti na likovni izraz.


likovna interpretacija;vernis-mou;od slike h grafiki;likovni izraz;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [V. Hochkraut]
UDC: 76(043.2)
COBISS: 121614595 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Transferring a picture to a graphic using the Vernis-Mou technique
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the thesis is to present the path from a painting to a successfully made graphic print in the technique called vernis-mou. I also present the technique and show its dimensions. By familiarizing and explaining art concepts in the theoretical part, it is easier to understand the artistic interpretation of the created print. With a comprehensive artistic interpretation, which includes the photological and morphological level of the artistic language, the syntax of the artistic space, the syntax of the artistic composition and the semantic level, the experience of the art work is deepened, both on the intellectual level and on the level of experience. I expect from the thesis, a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation of all the work and time invested, as well as the disclosure of possible unconscious interventions of the subconscious on the artistic expression.
Secondary keywords: Likovna umetnost;Grafika;Jedkanje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 50 str.
ID: 16478431