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Ana Unger (Author), Maja Šikić Pogačar (Mentor), Sabina Fijan (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Med probiotike nove generacije spadajo posamezni člani črevesne mikrobiote s potencialnim pozitivnim učinkom na zdravje. Sicer ustrezajo definiciji probiotikov, vendar med njih uvrščamo tiste mikroorganizme, ki se do sedaj še niso uporabljali za promocijo zdravja ljudi. Slednji se razvijajo predvsem za presnovna in vnetna stanja, saj ta dosegajo epidemične dimenzije. Glavna vprašanja v njihovem razvoju v obliki prehranskih dopolnil predstavljajo učinkovitost, varnost in ohranjanje stabilnosti. Metode: Izvedli smo sistematični pregled literature z metodo pregleda, analize in sinteze strokovne znanstvene literature z deskriptivno metodo dela. Za prikaz poteka analize literature smo uporabili smernice PRISMA. Iskanje literature je potekalo v mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah PubMed, Web of Science in Scopus. Identificirane raziskave smo analizirali in predstavili v evalvacijski tabeli. Rezultati: V podrobno analizo literature smo vključili 10 člankov. Opredelili smo probiotike nove generacije in težave, ki obstajajo pri opredelitvi slednjih. Velik problem predstavlja predvsem opredelitev mikroorganizma, saj temelji na podlagi in predpostavkah korelacijskih študij. Raziskali smo tudi mehanizme delovanja probiotikov nove generacije, ki pa so med posameznimi vrstami različni. S pomočjo bakterijskih presnovkov uravnavajo fiziologijo gostitelja, delujejo protivnetno in imunomodulatorno. Razprava in sklep: Probiotiki nove generacije predstavljajo možno rešitev za različna presnovna in vnetna stanja. Potrebne so nadaljnje študije, ki bodo potrdile varnost in učinkovitost uporabe pri ljudeh in podale odgovore na odprta vprašanja glede mehanizmov probiotikov nove generacije.


probiotiki nove generacije;komenzali;probiotična prehranska dopolnila;črevesna mikrobiota;mikroorganizmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM MF - Faculty of Medicine
Publisher: [A. Unger]
UDC: 613.292(043.2)
COBISS: 130290435 Link will open in a new window
Views: 100
Downloads: 24
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Next-generation probiotics – from commensals to probiotic food supplements
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Next-generation probiotics include a range of organisms with potential health benefits from the human gut microbiome. They meet the definition of probiotics, but among them are microorganisms that have not yet been used to promote human health. The latter are being developed mainly for metabolic and inflammatory diseases, as they reach epidemic proportions. Their development in the form of dietary supplements is mainly concerned with efficiency, safety and maintenance of stability. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review using the method of review, analysis, and synthesis of the scientific literature using a descriptive method of work. We used PRISMA guidelines to present the literature review process. The literature search was conducted in the international database PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus. The identified articles were analyzed and presented in an evaluation table. Results: We included 10 articles in the detailed literature analysis. We defined next-generation probiotics and the problems that exist in defining them. In particular, one major problem is mainly the definition of the microorganisms, as it is based on the basis and assumptions of correlation studies. We also investigated the mechanisms of next-generation probiotics, which differ among the candidates. With the help of bacterial metabolites, they regulate physiology of the host, have an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. Discussion and conclusion: Next-generation probiotics represent possible solution for various metabolic and inflammatory diseases. Further studies are needed to confirm safety and efficacy of human use and to provide answers to open questions regarding mechanisms of next-generation probiotics.
Secondary keywords: next generation probiotics;commensals;probiotic food supplements;gut microbiota;microorganisms;Probiotics;Probiotiki;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 51 str.))
ID: 16536386