magistrsko delo
Anej Kovačič (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Nenehen razvoj elektronike, elektronskih naprav in naprav z vgrajeno elektroniko je precej vplival na razvoj umetne inteligence, saj nas ta vsakodnevno spremlja na zavedenem in nezavednem nivoju. Temu so morali svoje produkte prilagoditi tudi proizvajalci in razvijalci celovitih informacijskih rešitev (ERP rešitev), ter druge programske opreme. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen koncept ERP rešitev, ter zgradba in namestitveni modeli ERP rešitev. Na trgu je moč najti precejšnje število ERP rešitev, zato smo s pomočjo primerjalne analize pripravili seznam najboljših ERP rešitev. Konkretneje pa je v nalogi po modulih in funkcionalnostih predstavljena ena od večjih ERP rešitev z imenom Infor LN. Ker se tematika tega dela navezuje hkrati na umetno inteligenco, je ta splošno obravnavana, predstavljena pa so tudi vsa funkcionalna področja umetne inteligence. Ponudnik predstavljene ERP rešitve je v skladu s potrebami in današnjimi zahtevami oz. pričakovanji uporabnikov razvil svojo platformo za umetno inteligenco z imenom Infor Coleman, ki deluje v okviru operacijskega sistema Infor OS in tako nadgrajuje, optimizira in avtomatizira osnovno ERP rešitev Infor LN. V sled tega smo v nalogi obravnavali Infor OS, kakor tudi Infor Coleman. Zmožnost uporabe ERP rešitev v navezavi z umetno inteligenco je neskončna, zato smo na koncu obravnavali uporabo le te na predhodno predstavljenem področju vzdrževanja strojev in naprav, ter pripravili nekaj idejnih zasnov oziroma predlogov za optimizacijo standardnih poslovnih procesov in operacij.


informacijske rešitve;ERP;umetna inteligenca;vzdrževanje;prediktivno vzdrževanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: A. Kovačič
UDC: 004.8
COBISS: 132074499 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of artificial intelligence in the Infor LN service modul
Secondary abstract: The continuous development of electronics, electronic devices, and devices with built-in electronics has had a significant impact on the development of artificial intelligence, as it accompanies us on a conscious and unconscious level on a daily basis. Manufacturers and developers of comprehensive information solutions (ERP solutions) and other software had to adapt their products as well. The Master's thesis introduces the concept of ERP solutions, as well as their structure and installation models. Because there are so many ERP solutions on the market, we used comparative analysis to create a list of the best ERP solutions. In the task, one of the larger ERP solutions, Infor LN, is presented by modules and functionalities. Since the topic of this work is related to artificial intelligence, it is discussed broadly, and all functional areas of artificial intelligence are presented. The provider of the presented ERP solution has created the Infor Coleman artificial intelligence platform, which operates within the Infor OS operating system and thus upgrades, optimises, and automates the basic ERP solution Infor LN in accordance with the needs and current requirements or expectations of users. As a result, we discussed Infor OS and Infor Coleman in the paper. As the potential for using ERP solutions in conjunction with artificial intelligence is limitless, we concluded by discussing the use of ERP solutions in the previously presented field of machine and device maintenance, and prepared some concepts or suggestions for optimising standard business processes and operations.
Secondary keywords: ERP systems;artificial intelligence;Infor LN;Infor Coleman;predictive maintenance;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 70 str.
ID: 16557509