magistrsko delo
Ana Marija Poplašen (Author), Vanja Ida Govednik (Mentor), Bojan Dobovšek (Co-mentor)


Korupcija je globalen problem, posledice pa se največkrat kažejo kot ogromne finančne izgube. Mnoge države se zavzemajo za preprečevanje korupcije, še posebej pomembno pa je preventivno delovanje, kjer med ključne prioritete uvrščamo ozaveščanje mladih. V zaključni nalogi je tako poudarek na dojemanju korupcije študentov in razširjenosti korupcije v javni upravi. Prvotno so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča, ki nakazujejo, da je razumevanje korupcije kot pojma in poznavanje njenih pojavnih oblik še vedno nezadostno. Med drugim se to kaže tudi v pomanjkanju enotne definicije. Še posebej problematično je dejstvo, da stopnje korupcije zaradi prikritosti kaznivih dejanj ne moremo natančno izmeriti. Rezultati raziskave prikazujejo, kako študenti različnih fakultet dojemajo korupcijo v Sloveniji. Študenti izkazujejo visoko nezaupanje do ustanov javnega sektorja, med katerimi izstopajo: parlament, zdravstvo in lokalne uprave. Obenem je večina študentov prepričana, da je korupcije vsako leto več. Čeprav so študenti do korupcije kritični, so predvsem mladi pripravljeni na koruptivne dogovore v lastno korist. Med bolj izpostavjenima oblikama korupcije med mladimi sta nepotizem in klientelizem, ki mladim omogočata karierni razvoj in preskrbljenost. Problematično je dejstvo, da je družba do korupcije tolerantna. Veliko je tudi takih, ki korupcije ne bi prijavili. Mladi, z visoko stopnjo integritete, pa so postali kjučni gradnik za razvijanje družbe z ničelno toleranco do korupcije.


dojemanje korupcije;študenti;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [A. M. Poplašen]
UDC: 343.352:351(043.2)
COBISS: 122974723 Link will open in a new window
Views: 17
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Students perceptions of fraud and corruption in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Corruption is a global problem and the consequences are often seen as enormous financial losses. Many countries are committed to the prevention, where among all preventive measures, the awareness of youth is considered as the key priority. In the final assignment, the emphasis is on the perception of corruption among students and the prevalence of corruption in public administration. The theoretical overview indicates that the understanding of corruption as a concept and knowledge of its manifestations is still insufficient. This is also reflected in the lack of a single definition. Particularly problematic is the fact that we can not accurately measure the level of corruption, due to the concealment of criminal acts. With the research, it is presented how students of different faculties perceive corruption in Slovenia. Students show a high level of mistrust towards public sector, among which stand out: parliament, healthcare and local authorities. Most students are also convinced that corruption is increasing every year. Although students are critical of corruption, especially young people are receptive to corrupt deals for their own benefit. The most exposed forms of corruption among young people are nepotism and clientelism, which enables career development and security. The crucial problem is, that society is still tolerant of corruption. Also, many people would not report corruption. Young people, with a high level of integrity, have become a key building block for developing a society with zero tolerance for corruption.
Secondary keywords: Korupcija;Prevara;Javna uprava;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VII f., 42 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 16568810