magistrsko delo
Klavdija Kotnik (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali kako poteka obravnava žrtev nasilja po modelu Barnahus v tujini in v Sloveniji in kako s tem preprečujejo sekundarno viktimizacijo otrok. Ko otrok doživi zlorabo prvič, temu dogodku rečemo primarna viktimizacija, sekundarna viktimizacija pa nastane, če mora otrok večkrat ponavljati svojo izpoved različnim osebam in s tem spet podoživlja to travmatično izkušnjo. Z namenom preprečevanja sekundarne viktimizacije otrok in lažjega in hitrejšega ukrepanja ob nasilju/zlorabi se je na Islandiji leta 1998 prvič razvil model Barnahus in se uspešno začel širiti po nordijskih državah in kasneje tudi drugod po Evropi. Model nudi celostno obravnavo otrok na njim prijazen, varen in udoben način in kar je še najpomembnejše, v njej je zaposlen strokovno usposobljen kader, ki vse postopke, ki bi jih otrok drugače moral opraviti na različnih lokacijah, opravi pod isto streho. Na začetku smo na splošno predstavili kaj je nasilje, njegove oblike ter posledice, da smo lahko dobili vpogled v to, kako nasilje/zloraba izgleda in kako zelo škoduje vsakemu posamezniku, še posebej otrokom. Nadaljevali smo z opredelitvijo sekundarne viktimizacije, ki je zelo pomembna za naše raziskovanje, saj se model Barnahus osredotoča ravno na odpravljanje le-te. Sledila je splošna predstavitev modela Barnahus v tujini, torej iz kje izvira, kako se je razvijal, čemu je sploh namenjen itd. Pogledali smo tudi kako se je implementiral v različnih državah v Evropi, natančneje v nordijskih državah in pa v naši sosednji državi Hrvaški. Za konec pa smo predstavili še nedavno odprto Hišo za otroke pri nas v Sloveniji. Izvedli smo intervju z direktorico Hiše in sicer z go. Simono Mikec, ki nam je dala veliko pomembnih in koristnih informacij za magistrsko delo.


obravnava žrtev;model Barnahus;hiša za otroke;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [K. Kotnik]
UDC: 343.62+364(043.2)
COBISS: 123135235 Link will open in a new window
Views: 33
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The treatment of victims of violence according to the Barnahus model
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis I investigated how victims of violence are treated according to the Barnahus model abroad and in Slovenia and how this prevents secondary victimisation of children. When a child experiences abuse for the first time, this event is called primary victimisation, and secondary victimisation occurs when the child has to repeat his or her confession to different people several times, reliving the traumatic experience. In order to prevent secondary victimisation of children and to facilitate and speed up action in the event of violence/abuse, the Barnahus model was first developed in Iceland in 1998 and successfully spread throughout the Nordic countries and later to the rest of Europe. The model offers holistic treatment for children in a child-friendly, safe and comfortable way and, most importantly, it is staffed by professionally trained personnel who carry out all the procedures that a child would otherwise have to undergo in different locations under one roof. We started with a general overview of what violence is, its forms and its consequences, so that we could get an insight into what violence/abuse looks like and how much it harms each individual, especially children. We went on to define secondary victimisation, which is very relevant to our research, as the Barnahus model focuses specifically on addressing it. This was followed by a general presentation of the Barnahus model abroad, i.e. where it originated, how it has developed, what it is for, etc. We also looked at how it has been implemented in different countries in Europe, specifically in the Nordic countries and in our neighbouring country, Croatia. Finally, we presented the recently opened Children's House in Slovenia. We interviewed the director of the Children's House, Ms Simona Mikec, who gave us a lot of important and useful information for this Master's thesis.
Secondary keywords: Nasilje;Žrtve kaznivih dejanj;Žrtve nasilja v družini;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VII f., 60 str.
ID: 16587437
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