diplomska naloga
Domen Ocvirk (Author), Gregor Omejec (Reviewer), Mojca Amon (Mentor)


Vstavitev totalne kolčne endoproteze je ena od najpogostejših in najuspešnejših ortopedskih operacij z visokim deležem zadovoljnih pacientov. Zaradi strmega naraščanja degenerativnih obolenj pri starejši populaciji se število vstavljenih kolčnih endoprotez vsako leto povečuje, aktiven življenjski slog in posledične poškodbe pa pripomorejo tudi k vse večjemu deležu mlajših pacientov. Za optimizacijo kirurških rezultatov je pomembna takojšnja pooperativna rehabilitacija, v kateri ima že vrsto let najpomembnejšo vlogo fizioterapija s kinezioterapijo kot glavno metodo. V diplomskem delu smo pregledali literaturo in primerjali raziskave, ki so proučevale učinkovitost kinezioterapije pri pacientih s totalno endoprotezo kolka. Literaturo smo iskali v spletni bazi PubMed, kjer smo izbrali deset raziskav, v katerih so proučevali učinkovitost različnih kinezioterapevtskih metod in tehnik pri pooperativni rehabilitaciji na moč, na intenziteto bolečine in funkcijske sposobnosti pacientov s totalno endoprotezo kolka. Ugotovili smo, da je kinezioterapija učinkovita metoda pooperativne rehabilitacije pri pacientih s totalno endoprotezo kolka, vendar so zaradi razmeroma kratkih intervencij in časa spremljanja pacientov v večini raziskav statistično pomembni samo kratkoročni učinki, zato bi bilo v prihodnje treba opraviti več raziskav visoke kakovosti z večjim številom pacientov. Priporočljivo bi bilo, da bi za pridobitev dolgoročnih učinkov in kakovostnih rezultatov spremljali daljše intervencije v različnih fazah rehabilitacije. Pregled najnovejših strokovnih raziskav je pokazal, da so različne metode in tehnike kinezioterapije učinkovite pri povečanju moči, zmanjšanju bolečine in izboljšanju funkcijskih sposobnosti v različnih fazah rehabilitacije. Iz strokovnega vidika zaradi uporabe različnih subjektivnih testov in vprašalnikov učinki niso statistično značilni. V prihodnje bi bilo bistvenega pomena ocenjevanje z enakimi vprašalniki, testi in merilnimi orodji v vseh raziskavah, saj bi bili le tako rezultati bolj primerljivi. Prav tako bi bilo nujno treba poenotiti in standardizirati vadbene programe z jasnimi opisi, intenziteto in s pogostostjo izvajanja vaj.


totalna endoproteza kolka;kinezioterapija;terapevtska vadba;rehabilitacija totalne endoproteze kolka;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [D. Ocvirk]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 127688963 Link will open in a new window
Views: 58
Downloads: 11
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Efficacy of kinesiotherapy in the treatment of total hip endoprosthesis
Secondary abstract: Total hip endoprosthesis is one of the most common and most successful orthopaedic surgeries with a high number of satisfied patients. Due to the rapid increase in degenerative diseases in the elderly population, the number of total hip endoprostheses is increasing every year, and an active lifestyle and consequent injuries are also contributing to the growing proportion of younger patients. Immediate postoperative rehabilitation is important for the optimization of surgical results, with kinesiotherapy as the main physiotherapy method having played the vital role for many years. In this thesis, we reviewed the literature and compared research that examined the effectiveness of kinesiotherapy in patients with total hip endoprosthesis. The literature was searched in the PubMed online database, where we selected ten studies examining the effectiveness of various kinesiotherapy methods and techniques in postoperative rehabilitation on strength, pain intensity, and functional ability of patients with total hip endoprosthesis. We discovered that kinesiotherapy is an effective method of postoperative rehabilitation in patients with total hip endoprosthesis, but due to relatively short interventions and patient follow-up time, only short-term effects are statistically significant in most studies, so more high-quality studies with more patients should be conducted. It would be advisable to monitor longer interventions at different stages of rehabilitation to obtain long-term effects and quality results. A review of the latest professional research has shown that different methods and techniques of kinesiotherapy are effective in increasing strength, reducing pain, and improving functional abilities at different stages of rehabilitation. Due to the use of different subjective tests and questionnaires, the effects are not statistically significant as they are difficult to compare. In the future, evaluation with the same questionnaires, tests and measurement tools in all surveys would be essential, as this would be the only way to make the results more comparable. It is also essential to unify and standardize exercise programs with clear descriptions, intensity and frequency of exercise.
Secondary keywords: total hip endoprosthesis;kinesiotherapy;therapeutic exercise;rehabilitation of total hip endoprosthesis;diploma theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: II, 35 str.
ID: 16596348