diplomska naloga št.: 225/OG-MK
Gašper Čufar (Author), Aleksander Srdič (Mentor)


Gradbeništvo je področje, katerega je glavni cilj izpolnitev nekega gradbenega projekta. Za njegovo dosego je poleg dobro izdelane projektne dokumentacije nujno potreben tudi organiziran pristop do izvajanja gradnje, saj le s tem lahko projekt teče nemoteno in znotraj vnaprej določenih tako časovnih, kot tudi finančnih okvirov. Da to dosežemo, je pred gradnjo treba izdelati dobre operativne plane, s katerimi si lahko odgovorimo na vprašanje po potrebi različnih virov in določimo časovni potek gradnje. Poznamo več vrst operativnih planov, najbolj bistveni v fazi gradnje pa so terminski in spremljajoči plani. S terminskimi plani časovno določimo potek gradnje, s spremljajočimi pa na podlagi terminskih lahko definiramo in določimo potrebe po različnih virih tekom gradnje (človeški in finančni, mehanizacija itd.). Glavna tema te diplomske naloge pa so terminski plani gradbenega projekta. Pristopi do časovnega planiranja gradbenih projektov so različni, saj poznamo več metod in tehnik planiranja. Trenutno je še vedno dominantna tehnika planiranja, ki temelji na samih aktivnostih oziroma procesih gradnje, rezultate le-te pa prikazujemo v obliki mrežnih planov ali blokovnih diagramov - diagramov. Težava pri tej tehniki nastane pri planiranju repetitivnih ali enakih delih, ki pa se izvajajo na različnih lokacijah objekta v izgradnji, saj mrežni plan pokrije le eno lokacijo del. Rešitev za to težavo, pa je časovno planiranje s tehniko lokacije, katera se v zadnjem obdobju vedno bolj uporablja. S to tehniko objekt »razbijemo« na manjše lokacije (npr. nadstropje), nato pa vsaki lokaciji določimo potrebna dela in trajanje le-teh. Rezultat te tehnike planiranja pa je ciklogram oziroma »flowline«.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;VSŠ;GR;GR-OG;terminski plan;aktivnost;proces;lokacija;tehnika;viri;flowline;mrežni plan;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [G. Čufar]
UDC: 658.5:69:72.054(043.2)
COBISS: 129142531 Link will open in a new window
Views: 69
Downloads: 16
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Schedule for construction of a storage facility
Secondary abstract: Construction is a field whose main objective is to complete a construction project. In order to achieve this, an organised approach to the execution of the construction is essential, in addition to well-drafted project documentation, as this is the only way to ensure that the project runs smoothly and within the predefined time and financial frameworks. To achieve this, good operational plans need to be in place prior to the construction phase, to answer the question of the need for different resources and to determine the timing of the construction. There are several types of operational plans, but the most essential during the construction phase are time schedules and the supporting plans. The scheduling plans are used to determine the timing of the construction, while the supporting plans are used to define and determine the needs for different resources during the construction (human and financial, mechanisation, etc.). The main topic of this thesis is the scheduling of a construction project. Approaches to scheduling of construction projects are diverse, as there are several methods and techniques of scheduling. Currently, the dominant scheduling technique is still based on the activities of construction, the results of which are shown in the form of network plans or block diagrams. The problem with this technique arises when scheduling repetitive or identical activities that are carried out at different locations of the building under construction, as the network plan covers activities on only one location. The solution to this problem, however, is scheduling with location technique, which has been used more and more recently. This technique is used to "break down" a building into smaller locations (e.g. a floor) and then assign required activities and the duration of that activities to each location. The result of this scheduling technique is a cyclogram or "flowline".
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;schedule;activity;task;location;technique;resources;flowline;network plan;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VII, 43 str.
ID: 16619282