magistrsko delo
Vesna Hribar (Author), Primož Pevcin (Mentor)


Covid-19 epidemija je močno vplivala na posameznike, družbo, podjetja in celotno gospodarstvo po vsem svetu. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti vpliv epidemije na trg prostovoljnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem ter ugotoviti odziv in pripravljenost zavarovalniškega sektorja na spremenjene načine poslovanja ter odziv uporabnikov, ki se odraža pri sklenitvi prostovoljnih zdravstvenih zavarovanj in koriščenju storitev. Za pripravo teoretičnega dela so bile uporabljene deskriptivna metoda, metoda kompilacije, komparativna ter induktivna metoda. Empirični del je izdelan na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika, ki je bil izveden med uporabniki storitev prostovoljnih zdravstvenih zavarovanj, to je med pravnimi in fizičnimi osebami, rezultati raziskave pa so predstavljeni z metodo analize statističnih podatkov. Ugotovili smo, da se je zavarovalniški sektor v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem na spremenjene tržne razmere odzval hitro in učinkovito, epidemija pa je v največji meri vplivala na področje digitalizacije poslovanja, zagotavljanja varnosti zaposlenih in uporabnikov ter zagotavljanja storitev svojim strankam. Prav tako ugotovimo, da epidemija ni neposredno vplivala na odločitev za sklenitev individualnih in kolektivnih zdravstvenih zavarovanj, je pa pričakovati, da bodo posamezniki v prihodnje vedno več zavarovanj sklepali na daljavo. Magistrsko delo z vidika ponudnikov in ponudbe širši javnosti nudi vpogled na trg prostovoljnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Prav tako strokovni javnosti prikazuje pomanjkljivosti na področju javnega zdravstvenega sistema, ki so zaznane med uporabniki, ter zavarovalniški stroki nudi izhodišča za izboljšave na področju razvoja posameznih produktov in digitalizaciji poslovanja. Vpliva predvsem na področje zdravstvene ekonomike, s čimer spodbuja izvajanje zdravstvenih storitev pri zasebnikih in s tem razbremenitev javnega zdravstvenega sistema.


zdravstveno varstvo;zdravstveno zavarovanje;epidemija;covid-19;digitalizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [V. Hribar]
UDC: 616-036.21:578.834(497.4:497.5):368.942(043.2)
COBISS: 128835587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 71
Downloads: 31
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of Covid-19 epidemic on the voluntary health insurance market in Slovenia and Croatia
Secondary abstract: The Covid-19 epidemic has had a strong impact on individuals, society, businesses and economies around the world. The purpose of the master's thesis is to present the impact of the epidemic on the voluntary health insurance market in Slovenia and Croatia and to determine the response and readiness of the insurance sector to the changed business methods, and the response of users, which is reflected in the conclusion of voluntary health insurance and the use of services. The descriptive method, the compilation method, the comparative method and the inductive method were used to prepare the theoretical part. The empirical part is based on a questionnaire survey conducted among users of voluntary health insurance services, i. e. legal and natural persons. The results of the survey are presented using the method of statistical data analysis. We assess that the insurance sector in Slovenia and Croatia reacted quickly and effectively to the changed market conditions, and the epidemic had the greatest impact on the area of digitization of business operations, ensuring the safety of employees and users, and providing services to its customers. We also find that the epidemic did not affect the decision to take out an individual and collective health insurance directly, however, it is to be expected that individuals will take out insurance remotely more often in the future. Regarding insurance providers and offers, the master's thesis offers the public an insight into the voluntary health insurance market. Furthermore, it presents the professionals in the field with the shortcomings of the public health system, which are known to the users. Moreover, it provides the insurance profession with starting points for improvements in the area of individual product development and digitalization of operations. It mainly affects the field of health economics, thereby encouraging the provision of health services by private persons and thus relieving the burden on the public health system.
Secondary keywords: health care;health insurance;epidemic;covid-19;digitalization;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000533
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: XI, 147 str.
ID: 16736384