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Noemi Mavrič (Author), Katarina Kos (Mentor)


V Sloveniji na Primorskem zaradi vpliva morja uspevajo mediteranske sadne vrste, med katerimi so najbolj pogoste oljka, kaki in figa. Gojenje teh vrst ovirajo njihovi škodljivci, ki se v ugodnih klimatskih razmerah lahko prekomerno razširijo in povzročajo škodo. Pri oljki so najbolj pogosti oljčna muha, oljčni molj in oljkov kapar. Oljčna muha povzroča škodo v fazi ličinke s vrtanjem rovov v plod. Oljčni molj povzroča škodo v vseh generacijah, največjo pa karpofagna generacija s prehranjevanjem s koščicami v plodu. Oljkov kapar škodo povzroča s sesanjem in izločanjem medene rose. Pri kakiju je pomemben škodljivec breskova muha, ki škodo povzroča v fazi ličinke s prehranjevanjem v plodovih. Pomembnejši škodljivci fige so črna figova muha in smokvin kapar. Ličinke črne figove muhe povzročajo škodo s prehranjevanjem v plodovih. Smokvin kapar škodo povzroča s sesanjem na listih, vejicah in plodovih ter z izločanjem medene rose. Ob prerazmnožitvi je populacijo potrebno zmanjšati zaradi negativnega vpliva na pridelek. Varstvo se opravlja z različnimi vabami in registriranimi fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi, ki jih je zaradi negativnih vplivov na okolje vedno manj.


škodljivci rastlin;oljčna muha;oljčni molj;oljkov kapar;breskova muha;črna figova muha;smokvin kapar;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Mavrič]
UDC: 634.1/.7:632.7(043.2)
COBISS: 127139331 Link will open in a new window
Views: 17
Downloads: 5
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Significant pests of Mediterranean fruit species in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: In Slovenia, Mediterranean fruit species thrive in Primorska due to the effects of the sea. The most common of these are the olive, the persimmon and the fig. The cultivation of these species is hampered by their pests, which can spread excessively and cause damage under favourable climatic conditions. The most common pests are the olive fly, the olive moth and the olive scale. The olive fruit fly causes damage in the larval stage by boring tunnels into the fruit. The olive fruit moth causes damage in all generations, but most in the carpophagous generation by feeding on the stones in the fruit. The olive scale insect causes damage by sucking and secreting honeydew. An important pest of persimmon is the Mediterranean fruit fly, which causes damage by feeding during the larval stage. The most important pests of figs are the black fig fly and the fig scale. The larvae of the black fig fly cause damage by feeding in the fruit. The fig scale causes damage by sucking on leaves, twigs and fruit and by secreting honeydew. When overbreeding has a negative impact on crop yields, populations must be reduced. Protection is carried out with various baits and registered pesticides, which are gradually being withdrawn from the market due to their negative impact on the environment
Secondary keywords: plant pests;olive fruit fly;olive moth;olive scale;mediterranean fruit fly;black fig fly;fig scale;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VI, 22 f.))
ID: 16830721