magistrsko delo
Klavdija Kuzkin (Author), Miran Lavrič (Mentor)


Sovražni govor je obstajal že pred spletom, vendar je s prihodom spleta postal bistveno bolj razširjen in težje obvladljiv. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti odnos med mladimi in sovražnim govorom na spletu, še posebej na družbenih omrežjih. Metodološko je bila naloga zasnovana na kombinaciji sedmih delno strukturiranih intervjujev in spletne ankete na vzorcu (N = 296) mladih. Iz rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da je skoraj 80 % vprašanih že bilo priča sovražnemu govoru na spletu, pri čemer je zaznava sovražnega govora bistveno bolj pogosta pri ženskah (ro= 0,205). Slednje lahko vsaj delno povežemo z ugotovitvijo, da ženske bistveno pogosteje uporabljajo družbena omrežja kot moški (ro= 0,354). Naša raziskava je nadalje pokazala, da je bilo dobrih 29 % vprašanih že izpostavljenih blatenju njihovega videza, skoraj 27 % vprašanih pa je tudi že doživelo, da so bile brez njihovega dovoljenja na spletu deljene njihove fotografije, ki so jih prikazovale v nerodnem položaju. Na splošni ravni skoraj četrtina mladih zase meni, da so že bili žrtve sovražnih komentarjev na spletu. Mladi se sicer dobro zavedajo nevarnosti takšnega spletnega delovanja, saj jih skoraj 94 % meni, da lahko sovražni govor na spletu pripelje do samomora. Pri tem je zaskrbljujoče, da se večina (56 %) mladih ne zaveda možnosti prijave sovražnega govora na spletu. Posebej so nas zanimali tudi dejavniki pisanja sovražnih komentarjev. Med demografskimi napovedniki izstopa spol, pri čemer ženske precej manj pogosto pišejo sovražne komentarje (ro= -0,291), kar je tudi skladno z že obstoječimi ugotovitvami raziskovalcev. Po naši oceni najzanimivejša ugotovitev celotne magistrske naloge pa se nanaša na vpliv družinskih odnosov. Izkazalo se je namreč, da sovražne komentarje bistveno pogosteje pišejo mladostniki iz družin z manj kakovostnimi odnosi (ro= -0,257). Gre za družine, kjer je po poročanju naših respondentov manj medsebojne pomoči in povezanosti ter več prepirov, poniževanj in nasilja.


magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Kuzkin]
UDC: 316.472.4(043.2)
COBISS: 129779715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 18
Downloads: 4
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hate speech on social media networks among young people in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Although hate speech existed before the internet, with the advent of the internet it has become much more widespread and more difficult to control. The aim of the master's thesis was to identify the relationship between young people and hate speech online, especially on social networks. Methodologically, the thesis was based on a combination of seven semi-structured interviews and an online survey with a sample (N= 296) of young people. The results show that almost 80% of the respondents have experienced hate speech online, with the perception of hate speech being significantly higher among women (ro= 0.205). The latter can be at least partially correlated with the finding that women use social networks significantly more than men (ro= 0.354). Our survey further showed that just over 29% of respondents had been subjected to attacks on their appearance, and almost 27% of respondents had experienced photos of them in an embarrassing situation being shared online without their permission. Overall, almost a quarter of young people say they have been the victim of hateful comments online. Young people are well aware of the dangers of such online activity, with almost 94% of them believing that hate speech online can lead to suicide. Worryingly, the majority of young people (56%) are not aware that they can report online hate speech. We were also particularly interested in the factors behind the writing of hate comments. Among the demographic predictors, gender stands out, with women significantly less likely to write hateful comments (ro= -0.291), which is also consistent with existing findings. In our opinion, the most interesting finding of the whole Master's thesis concerns the impact of family relationships. It turns out that hateful comments are written significantly more often by adolescents from families with lower-quality relationships (ro= -0.257). These are families where, according to our respondents, there is less mutual help and cohesion and more fighting, humiliation and violence.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Družbena omrežja;Mladina;Sovražni govor;Svetovni splet;Mediji;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 103 str.))
ID: 16880703
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