doktorska disertacija
Aleš Marjetič (Author), Tomaž Ambrožič (Mentor), Matjaž Mikoš (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Goran Turk (Thesis defence commission member), Zdravko Kapović (Thesis defence commission member), Bojan Stopar (Co-mentor)


Delo obravnava lastnosti deformacij in rotacij v geodetski mreži. V vsaki točki obravnavamo kinematične količine: normalne deformacije, strižne deformacije in rotacije. Za ustrezno statistično obravnavo deformacij in rotacij moramo poznati statistične lastnosti teh parametrov v vsaki točki geodetske mreže. Empirični rezultati kažejo, da so statistične lastnosti deformacij v vsaki točki močno povezane z obravnavano smerjo in lokalno geometrijo geodetske mreže. Na ta način lahko določimo območja zaupanja deformacij za posamezno točko geodetske mreže. Uporabimo jih za izvedbo ustreznih statističnih testov, kjer se odločamo ali je neka deformacija statistično značilna ali ne. Z znanimi velikostmi in oblikami območij zaupanja na točkah lahko ugotavljamo kakovost geometrije geodetske mreže. Poleg tega je glavni namen doktorske disertacije pokazati, da so deformacije in rotacije odvisne od spremembe geodetskega datuma med dvema terminskima izmerama. V primeru dveh različnih koordinatnih sistemov v vsaki epohi ne moremo izračunati pravih vrednosti premikov, deformacij in rotacij. Kljub že opravljenim empiričnim študijam o odvisnosti od datumskih sprememb, smo analitično izpeljali matematične izraze odvisnosti deformacij in rotacij od relativne spremembe datumskih parametrov med dvema terminskima izmerama. Praktični prikaz funkcijske odvisnosti je bil izveden na primeru izbrane ravninske geodetske mreže.


geodezija;disertacije;deformacijska analiza;deformacija;rotacija;območje zaupanja;testiranje hipotez;verjetnostna porazdelitev;geodetski datum;transformacija S;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Marjetič]
UDC: 528.1:311(043.3)
COBISS: 5279329 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2248
Downloads: 367
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Statystical analysis of significant point dispalements in geodetic networks
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the properties of strains and rotations in geodetic network. In each point kinematic quantities are considered: normal strain, shear strain and rotation. Appropriate statistical treatment of kinematic quantities requires known statistical properties of each quantity in each point of geodetic network. Empirical results show that statistical properties of the strains in each point are strongly related to the considered direction in point and local geometry of the geodetic network. In this way the confidence areas for each quantity in each point can be determined. Based on this, we can carry out appropriate statistical testing and decide whether the deformation of the network in point is statistically significant or not. With known size and shape of confidence areas it is also possible to ascertain the quality of the geometry of the geodetic network. Besides this, the main purpose of the thesis was to show that the strain parameters and rotations are dependent on the change of geodetic datum between two survey epochs. In the case of two different coordinate systems in each survey epoch we cannot compute the true values of point displacements, strains and rotations. Despite all empirical studies already carried out in the field of datum invariance of strains and rotations, we analytically derived the mathematical relationship of strains and rotations with respect to the relative changes in geodetic datum parameters between two survey epochs. The practical example of functional dependency was carried out in the case of selected planar geodetic network.
Secondary keywords: doctoral thesis;deformation analysis;strain;rotation;confidence area;statistical testing;probability distribution;geodetic datum;S-transformation;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 151 str.
ID: 1725188