Janez Pirnat (Author), Jurij Diaci (Author)


Družbeni problemi, potrebe in zahteve do gozdov so se skozi zgodovino spreminjali, sledile so jim prilagoditve gospodarjenja z gozdovi. Spremembe družbenega okolja so se dogajale v sorazmerno kratkem času v primerjavi z dolgoživostjo gozda, zato je v gozdarstvu pomembna določena mera konzervativnosti. S sonaravnim gospodarjenjem, kjer naravne procese le usmerjamo, še dodatno zmanjšamo možnosti napak zaradi prehitrih odločitev. Sonaravno gospodarjenje pridobiva na pomenu zaradi blažilnega vpliva na okoljske spremembe. O ekonomski učinkovitosti in ekoloških sprejemljivostih takšnega načina gospodarjenja pričajo številni zgledi doma in v tujini. Slovenija bo z nadaljnjim razvojem sonaravnega gospodarjenja dobro pripravljena na izzive prihodnosti, ki obeta stopnjevanje izkoriščanja obnovljivih naravnih virov. To v največji meri omogoča sonaravno gospodarjenje brez ogrožanja ekosistemskih storitev. Na Oddelku za gozdarstvo se zavedamo potrebe po nadaljnjem razvoju vseh vidikov gozdarstva, vključno z ohranjanjem narave. Razvojna naravnanost se odraža v prilagajanju visokošolskega izobraževanja. Bolonjska reforma poleg novih vsebin in organizacije prinaša tekoče preverjanje in posledično prilagajanje izobraževalnih programov.


gospodarjenje z gozdovi;sonaravno gospodarjenje;sonaravnost;ohranjanje narave;varstvo narave;visokošolsko izobraževanje;bolonjska reforma;prenovljeni študijski programi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Zveza društev inženirjev in tehnikov gozdarstva in lesarstva Slovenije
UDC: 630*94:630*61+630*90(045)=163.6
COBISS: 3111846 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0017-2723
Parent publication: Gozdarski vestnik
Views: 1114
Downloads: 228
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Support for the development of the close-to-nature forestry and nature conservation in higher education
Secondary abstract: Social problems, needs and requirements regarding forests have been changing through the history. They have been followed by forest management adjustments.The changes of the social environment have been taking place in a relatively short period compared to the longevity of the forest; therefore a certain measure of conservatism in forestry plays an important role. We additionally reduce the risk of errors due to premature decisions with the close-to-nature management, where we merely direct natural processes. The close-to-nature management gains in importance due to the mitigating influenceon the environmental changes. Numerous examples at home and abroad testify on economic efficiency and ecological acceptability of this management type. Further development of the close-to-nature management will prepare Slovenia for the challenges of the future which suggests increased use of renewable natural resources. The close-to-nature management enables it to the greatest extent without endangering ecosystem services. In the Department of Forestry we are aware of the need for further development of all aspects of forestry, including nature conservation. The developmental orientation is reflected in the adjustment of the higher education. In addition to the new contents and organization, the Bologna Reform also brings current testing and, consequently, adjusting of the educational programs.
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 3-8
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ69
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2011
ID: 1726785