Janja Batič (Author), Dragica Haramija (Author)


V članku je predstavljenih šest slikanic avtorice Vesne Radovanovič, ki sta jih ilustrirali Ana Razpotnik Donati in Maja Lubi: Aljažev čevelj, Belo jadro, Dedkovo kolo, Mavrični balon, Puhačka in Rožnati avtobus. Zgodbe so izšle v slikaniški obliki, zato sta v članku predstavljeni obe slikaniški sestavini, torej besedilo in ilustracija. Vrstno-žanrsko sodijo slikanice med kratka prozna realistična in fantastična besedila, katerih temeljni žanrski princip je doživljajska proza z majhnim otrokom kot glavnim literarnim likom. Središčni dogodek je otrokova želja, ki se na koncu uresniči. Slikanice se med seboj ločijo po likovnoizrazni moči ilustratork: Ana Razpotnik Donati spretno sestavlja najrazličnejše likovne elemente v nerazdružljivo celoto, skrbno oblikuje podrobnosti in pomensko dopolnjuje zgodbo, Maja Lubi pa v ilustracijah podaja predvsem prevladujoče razpoloženje posamezne zgodbe.


slovenska književnost;slikanice;prevozna sredstva;ne zaključna dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: Pedagoška fakulteta
UDC: 821.163.6-93-32
COBISS: 19584520 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1855-4431
Parent publication: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje
Views: 2264
Downloads: 163
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Belletristic picture books on means of transport by Vesna Radovanovič
Secondary abstract: This article introduces six picture books written by Vesna Radovanovič and illustrated by Ana Razpotnik Donati and Maja Lubi, namely, Aljažev čevelj, Belo jadro, Dedkovo kolo, Mavrični balon, Puhačka, and Rožnati avtobus. As the stories were published as picture books, the article focuses on both key elements of a picture book, that is, the verbal narrative and the illustration, which together form a literary and artistic monolith. In terms of form and genre, picture books are classified as realistic and fantastic short prose works, where the prevailing genre principle is experiential prose featuring a small child as the main literary character. In the centre of the story there is a child's wish that will come true in the end. What distinguishes the picture books discussed herein is the power of the artistic expression of the two illustrators. While Ana Razpotnik Donati artfully combines various artistic elements to form an inseparable whole, paying attention to details and adding visual narrative to the story, Maja Lubi depicts in particular the underlying mood of the story.
Secondary keywords: Slovene literature;picture books;means of transport;Slikanice;Ilustracije;Vozila;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 39-55
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ5
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: dec. 2012
ID: 1727454