
V prispevku so uporabljeni podatki o bilateralni trgovini med Poljsko in Slovenijo kot srednjeevropskima državama (CEC-2) in petnajstimi državami članicami Evropske unije (EU-15). V predhodni analizi, ki je bila predstavljena na mednarodni konferenci v Vroclavu (Cernosa in Moczulski 2010),je bila prav tako vključena povsem ista baza podatkov. Če je bil temeljni cilj analize potrditi specifično deželno hipotezo za Poljsko in Slovenijo v bilateralni trgovini z EU-15, pa želimo s sedanjo analizo predstaviti rezultate merjenja znotrajpanožne trgovine za Poljsko in Slovenijo kot srednjeevropski državi v bilateralni trgovini z EU-15 in vključiti še nekatere druge kazalce, ki pomagajo razložiti razlike v proizvodni strukturi obeh manj razvitih držav. Ker je v obeh analizah vključena ista podatkovna baza, so tudi rezultati obeh študij povsem primerljivi. Temeljna hipoteza sedanjega prispevka je torej, da sta bili Slovenija in Poljska v bilateralni trgovini z v povprečju razvitejšimi državami t. i. jedra EU od leta 1999 do 2008 prevladujoče usmerjeni v proizvodnjo in izvoz vertikalno diferenciranih proizvodov nižje kakovosti in da sta v opazovanem obdobju spremenili le nabor tistih podsektorjev na ravni dveh števil SMTK, ki kažejo prevladujočo usmerjenost v proizvodnjo in izvoz vertikalno diferenciranih proizvodov višje kakovosti oz. nabor tistih industrij, ki kažejo delno usmerjenost v proizvodnjo in izvoz horizontalno diferenciranih proizvodov. Natančneje povedano, v tem prispevku so torej prikazane podobnosti v znotrajpanožni usmerjenosti oz. proizvodni strukturi Slovenije in Poljske po letu 2004, ko sta postali novi članici EU, in istočasno zelo nazorno identificirane še razlike v znotrajpanožni usmerjenosti, ki so ustrezno razložene z razlikami v razvitosti1 med obema srednjeevropskima državama.


trgovina;Poljska;Slovenija;EU;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.04 - Professional Article
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: Društvo ekonomistov Maribor
UDC: 339.56:330.4(438)(497.4)
COBISS: 10733596 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0547-3101
Parent publication: Naše gospodarstvo
Views: 221
Downloads: 15
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Is Poland Overtaking Slovenia?
Secondary abstract: This paper uses bilateral trade data between Poland and Slovenia as central European countries (CEC-2) and the fifteen European member states (EU-15). A previous study presented at an international conference in Wroclaw2 also introduced the same data. However, whereas the central aim of the previous analysis was to confirm the country-specific hypothesis for Poland and Slovenia as central European countries in trade with the EU-15, the current analysis shows the results of the measurement of intra-industry trade between Poland and Slovenia as central European countries in trade with the EU-15 and presents specific factors that define differences in the production structure between both less developed countries. As these two analyses introduce the same bilateral trade data, the results of both studies are completely comparable. The central hypothesis of the current paper is that Poland and Slovenia, which engaged in trade relationships with the generally more developed core EU member states from 1999 to 2008, specialized primarily in the production and export of vertically differentiated lower quality products; during the observed period, they changed only a minority of subsections at the two-digit SITC level, which shows either prevailing specialization in production and export of higher quality products or partial specialization in horizontally differentiated products. More specifically, this paper shows similarities in Polish and Slovenian intra-industry trade specialization-that is, their production structure after 2004, when they became EU member states, which clearly identifies differences in intra-industry specialization adequately explained by differences in GDP per capita3 between these two Central European countries.
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 24-32
Volume: Letn. 57
Issue: št. 3/4
Chronology: 2011
ID: 1727856
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